
Story by Windleaf on SoFurry

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Our story begins in the Firelands. A young pyromage by the name of Maria has entered alone, seeking the powers of the ancient flame. She's confident she will find it, and become the most powerful fire mage in existence. She begins her journey by walking into the rocky wasteland of the Firelands.

Chapter 1

"Great, I'm lost." Maria said to herself, as she looked in all directions. Perhaps she should have brought a guide. No, she didn't want to spend that kind of money. She began to walk towards some cliffs. She'd already passed many creatures, they left her alone. It was unbearably hot, even by her standards. All of the sweat on her body sizzled and evaporated. She sure was glad she couldn't get burned. She approached the cliffs, a winding path led up through them. Webs hung from the tops of the cliffs. She journeyed up the path. There wasn't much to see. She finally came to an opening. There was nothing around her. A large, fiery web covered the top of the opening, but she couldn't see anything. She decided to turn around and walk back, except, she couldn't move. "What the Fel?" She exclaimed, as she looked down, and saw she was standing in red spider webs. She looked up just in time to see the spider nip her, filling her with a paralytic poison. She slowly lost consciousness and was dragged away. When she came to, she couldn't move. She was covered in burning, red webs. She couldn't feel her clothes, only the heat. As her eyes adjusted, she noticed the large spider standing over her. 'This-this is it.' She thought to herself. She looked down the spider. A clear, reddish, tube extended from the beast's hindquarters. It slowly snaked its way down, and began to press against her bare ass. It penetrated her, burning her pucker. She tried to scream, but realized her mouth was covered in webbing as well. She stared at the tube, then saw a softball sized, red orb travelling down it, then another, and another still. All of a sudden, she felt it press against her anus. It burned worse than the tube did. She started to cry. The first egg slid into her ass. The rest followed suit, none were any easier. Fifteen eggs had been lain before the spider withdrew. It wandered off. The webbing soon disintegrated, and she fell to the ground, sobbing. Her gut looked, and felt completely full. She looked around, and spotted her clothing, or what was left of it, now mostly a pile of ash. She slowly started to walk away from the area, the hot rucks burned her feet as she fled. She made it out of the cliffs, then keeled over. She felt so much pain in her ass. Then one of the eggs began to slide out. It burned her tender ass, then landed on the ground. This occurred for each egg. She laid on the searing rocks, panting heavily. Her anus gaped. She doubted she'd been in these lands for more than five hours. Maria, then, fell asleep.

Chapter 2

When she awoke, Maria lift herself to her feet. She looked around, seeing nothing. She started walking in a random direction. She saw figures in the distance, she slowly approached them, seeing that there was a group of Fire Naga, relaxing by a pool of lava. They had gear. Maria figured she could sneak up and quickly overpower them. She summoned a massive Fireball, and launched it towards the Naga. "Direct hit!" She exclaimed. As the smoke cleared she saw the Naga glaring back at her. "Sorry, sweet-cheeks, but our scales are fireproof. They charged her. Maria was quickly and easily overwhelmed by her assaulters. They held her down. Tapering dicks appeared out of slits in their bodies. "Lucky for you we're feeling hornier than we are bloodthirsty, so we're all gonna take turns with you. Next time you wanna fuck, don't attack us." And with that the first Naga thrust himself into her twat. It would have been moist, but the land was so hot, that all over her juices had been evaporating (which felt pretty good, she thought). The Naga was not as hot as she expected. In fact, his member was quite cool. She began to moan as she was violated. Another cool meaty rod smacked her in the face. By this point she realized that the Naga had, like most snakes, two penises. The cock on her face forced itself into her mouth, but another rested still on her face, humping her. She could not see but she knew what was to happen next. She was right. Her anus twitched as the first Naga's second cock began to slide into her loose ass. The feeling was strange. She was laying on the ground so her back was burning, but her insides felt so cool. The Naga weren't satisfied with her having so few holes. Two more took her hands and forced her to jack them off. Another came up, and wrapped his cocks in her hair, and began using it to pleasure himself. The first Naga finally cummed. A cool liquid filled both of her holes. He pulled out, and said, "next." The one who was using her hair quickly scurried to her lower portions. He lined up both of his penises, and thrust them both into her dried slit. Her mind was beginning to go numb. One after the other they came on her body, in her mouth, ass, and pussy. After they had all had their share, they left her to lay on the searing rocks, leaving some gear for her. Maria finally grew the strength to get up. She took the gear the naga left her. A beautiful robe, and it was fireproof. "Good." She thought. She picked up a fire staff as well that they had left. They had also left some sandals for her...but she was beginning to enjoy how the rocks burned her feet. She left them.

Chapter 3

She wandered around the lands for hours. She saw many interesting creatures. Dogs, two headed hounds, turtles. She thought little of them though, her goal was clear. In the distance she saw a figure. It was moving fast, and approaching her. She hid behind some rocks. The beast came to where she had been standing before. "Riplimb, find the intruder." One of the dogs following the tentacle faced naga ran off. She kept low. All of a sudden she heard a growl from behind her. A different dog. It gently picked her up by her robe, and carried her out to its master. It threw her to the ground in front of him. "Well, well, well. A fire mage. How quaint. It seems as though you've had a rough day." He could smell the aroma of sex emanating from her. She began to stand. "Stay down." He barked. "I am Shannox, chief hunter of these lands. The animals bend to my will...and so shall you." Without warning the dog that carried her out there pulled off her robed and mounted her. It began to thrust, his fiery dick missing her holes a few times, before finally making its mark. She feels the flaming member pulse in her ass. The animal begins to thrust in and out, eliciting moans from her. Her eyes closed, and her mouth was open as she moaned. Then, without warning a dick flew into her mouth. Her eyes shot open. It burned her tongue. The other dog had come back, and was humping her face. Now she was being double teamed by fiery hellhounds. Shannox watched over this, almost bored. "You clearly enjoy this too much, or you would be struggling more. Let's make this interesting." The dogs each finish and begin cumming inside of her. It's searing hot, she swallows some, but can't taste it. As the dogs finish, and pull out, Shannox picks her up and carries her with him. She can see ...lava...dripping from her ass. 'Glad I'm immune to the effects of burning' she thought. They approach his destination. A giant lake of lava. "Let's see how you handle some of these animals." He throws her into the lava. She screams and swims as fast as she can, through the goopy painfully hot, liquid rock. She sees some land. As she begins to wade there, she is pulled under the lava. She barely makes it to the surface, and sees a giant snake like thing. wrapping itself around her. The creature looks down at her. She's still screaming from the painful heat. It opens its mouth, and wraps it around her head. It slowly moves her inch by inch into it's hungry maw. Lava pools around her. She has lost all of her air, and is beginning to suffocate. 'Why?' She thought. 'Why does it feel so good?' Completely inside the snakelike creature, its walls constricting her movement, she slides her hand down to her crotch, and begins to masturbate. She opens herself up and lava flows in. The pain is unbearable but feels great. She finds herself approaching an orgasm. Her last orgasm. Then, air rushes into her lungs. The heat goes away, and she realizes that she is in the air. She looks around, and then hits the ground as she sees the snake, cleaved in two, writhing on the ground. For a moment she is upset, not getting to finish. Then she realizes that she is alive. She looks around for her savior, but sees no one. This area looks familiar to her. She walks a bit further and finds her robe, and staff. "Glad to see you made it back." She hears the familiar voice of Shannox. " almost killed me." She glares at him angrily. "Yes, and I also saved you." She looks at him, realizing it was he who killed the snake thing. "But now you owe me." She glares at him even more, but says, "Fine." Shannox gives a chuckle, and a large two headed core hound walks in from behind him. Underneath the dog are two fiery cocks, each dripping with lava. Maria look at the animal then at Shannox. "You don't mean-" She cuts her off. "I do. I helped you, so help me. This guy can't fight when he's so pent up." She stares at the double cock. Hesitantly she approaches the beast. She gets on all fours and crawls underneath it. Now, face to face with the monster meat rods. She slowly reaches out and licks it. It burns her tongue but she doesn't mind. Then she is hit with a smell. A sulfuric smell coming from the animal's crotch. It makes her nose wrinkle, but she does what she must. She pushes the left cock into her mouth and sucks it. It tastes hot and ripe, like it hasn't been washed in weeks. Her hands stroke the other cock. "Eager cock-slut." Shannox says as he watches her. She ignores him, and continues her task. Then she feels her become wet, and painfully hot. She pulls out, and looks back. The dog has begun to lick her exposes rear. She moans. Now determined to finish off this gentleman of a canine, she places the cock into her mouth, and begins to push it to the back of her throat. The animal roars, and his right cock launches lava on the ground next to her, then the left cock. With how deep in her throat the pulsing member is, it directly deposits the burning seed into her stomach, filling her to the brim. She can feel the fire sloshing around inside of her as she pulls away. It's terribly painful, but there isn't much she can do at this point. She crawls out from under the dog, which promptly falls asleep. Somewhat humiliated from her own eagerness to perform such a degrading action, she hurriedly slips on her robe, and takes her staff. She runs off, and Shannox yells after her. "I'll be seeing you very soon."

Chapter 4

Maria had been walking the Firelands for what seems like days. Since Shannox, she hasn't seen a living soul. Her feet are red, and burnt. It hurts worse with each step she takes. Then, in the distance, she sees a citadel. "That must be where the secrets lie." She picks up the pace and begins to run. She approaches an opening in some rocks. Behind she can see a magnificent, and terrifying sight. Standing as tall as 10 people, and made of pure fire, with molten wings. She slowly approaches, knowing this must be the only way to the citadel. The monster stares at her as she approaches. His fiery eyes pierce her skin. She shudders. Then in a booming voice, her declares. "I AM BALEROC, GUARDIAN OF THIS BRIDGE. FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS I HAVE STOOD WATCH OVER THE GATE TO RAGNAROS'S THRONE. WHO ARE YOU, SMALL ONE, WHO APPROACHES?" Maria looks to him and considers her next move carefully. She picked out his mention of thousands of years so he obviously hasn't had very much sex. She begins to remove her clothes. Her body has brought her this far, it can get her a little further. The gatekeeper looks at her. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING MORTAL, I AM BALEROC! I AM NOT SO EASILY SEDUCED!" She gawks at him, his fiery form betraying his words. a schlong as big as she is sticks out from his waist. She gives him a knowing look. "NO MATTER, I WILL NOT BE SWAYED FROM...MY...Uh....miss...what are you doing?" His voice trails off, as she begins to masturbate in front of him. Her hands covered in fire. The gatekeeper cannot help himself. He begins to stroke his rarely used staff. "I just want to please you." Maria states seductively. "I-I-I" The guardian sprayed ropes of lava from his dick. It hadn't even been a minute and he was cumming. One rope hits Maria, and she is drenched in lava. It burns, but it only makes her masturbating feel that much better. The force of the spray was enough to knock her over. Such a powerful creature. "I NEED MORE!" He launches forward and picks Maria up. "W-wait what are you doing." She asks, in a panic. This wasn't what she'd expected. "I'M DOING YOU!" He sets her on his penis. The head of his dick is bigger than her real head. "There's no way that will..." The gatekeeper pulls her down on his dick, the head sliding into her pussy. The head has filled her, and is pressing against her cervix. It burns worse than the lava from earlier. She looks down and sees a lump in her belly. Then she sees it grow. He pushes himself further inside her. How is she not dead? "I HAVE ENCHANTED YOUR BODY BRIEFLY, YOU WILL MAKE A FINE COCKSLEEVE." His hand wrap around her body, and he pushes her all the way down his dick. How is this possible, she can see his dick pushing out against her breasts. The wonders of magic, eh? He begins to pump her on and off his dick, like a flesh light. She screams the whole time. Her mind is broken, it hurts so much. Her mouth lies open and drool sprays out. As he continues his vigorous thrusting, she feels his cock pulse. Then without warning her insides begin to burn even worse. She can see her body ballooning out as his cum paints her insides red orange and yellow. Finally satisfied, he pulls her off. His cum sloshes around inside of her. He throws her behind him, like a used condom. Forgetting she was actually a person. The cum slowly dribbles out of her. She cannot move. The enchantment begins to wear off, and the cum begins to gush forth from her insides. She realizes something, though. He threw her on the bridge. With every bit of energy, she begins to crawl across, naked and weary.

Chapter 5

Maria rested herself at the end of the bridge. Before her, the grand citadel of fire. Orbs of fire pulse with rings of flame, which covered the platform before the citadel. She stood up. The ground here did not burn very much, not like the rocky wasteland. She observed the pulsing orbs, and determined her best course of action. She moved on to her hands and knees, and began to crawl under the rings of flame which shot out from the orbs. She made her way across the platform, until she reached some steps. She slowly began to climb the steps, pressing her body lower to the ground, until her nipples dragged across it. She was almost to the door. She stopped suddenly as feet appeared directly below her. Before her, stood a tall fiery elf. She knew of him. This was Majordomo Staghelm. "Well, what have we here? It appears to be the whore of the Firelands. I've been watching you, my dear." Her face turns beet red upon hearing her new title. "Are you here to see the master?" Maria nods. "Well, I'm sure you know what I'll ask of you." Maria sighs. Still on all fours, she turns around and presents her rear to the man. Her pussy seems even tighter now. This is an effect of the previous enchantment she'd received. "Good bitch." Staghelm reaches down and smacks her ass. She gives a yelp as the burning hand leaves a red handprint upon her ass. He spanks her other cheek. She begins to moan. For the first time since she'd come here her pussy begins to leak juices. The juices are much hotter than before, but she doesn't notice. Underneath her she sees the drops sizzle, and disappear as they hit the ground. "You seem eager to be fucked. I suppose I will oblige you." He opens a hole in his robe. A large elven cock lands between her asscheeks. He hotdogs her, humping between her cheeks a few times before quickly shoving the full foot of thick meat into her ass. Just as her ass had begun to tighten again, it was being stretched. And pleasurably so. She moans with the first penetration. He thrusts into her, picking her body up, and slamming her down on his cock. She feels almost like she is being used again. She pants heavily, sweat sizzling on her skin, burning her so good. Her moist slit spurts juices occasionally from the force of the thrusts. He pulls her off, then grabs her hair, and pushes his musky cock all the way down her throat. She begins to choke, and can feel his elven seed being shot into her stomach. He slowly pulls out, still cumming. His cock paints her throat white, forcing her to keep swallowing. Some of the cum gushes from her mouth, and nose. It's painful, but she likes it. He sprays one last shot onto her face. "There we go, now clean yourself off." Maria coughs, and swallows as much as was in her mouth. She obediently begins wiping the cum off of her face, and swallowing it. She snorts the cum in her nose back, and swallows that, too. Ouch. She looks at him through weary eyes. "Was it good enough?" She asked. "Oh, it was good, but I'm not finished yet." He began to shapeshift into a large feline, covered in a blazing fire. He knocked her flat on her back with his scorching paw, and stepped over her. His flaming prick twitched in anticipation. Molten drool dripped from the Druid's mouth and onto her face, making her scream. As she did so, the cat thrust into her, spreading heat throughout her body. It was hot, but not as hot as Baleroc's. At least, not until her pulled out. The barbs along the fiery tool flared out, scraping against her tight pussy walls. It made the burning much worse. The cat began a rhythm of thrusting. For what seemed like days, but was only a few minutes, the flaming feline mercilessly fucked her folds senseless. She was on the brink of orgasm, but the pain stayed her climax. She felt the kitty cock thrust one last time, much harder than the others, and it began to squirt its lava semen into her belly. The animal pulled out and walked away. "The master will be pleased to see you." He laughed and disappeared. She laid on the ground waiting for the pain to subside. 'How many more times must I do this?' She thought to herself. She stood up, lava dripping from her used snatch, and she walked inside the citadel.

Chapter 6

The inside of the citadel was lit only by the lava from below. She followed a path across a bridge. In the distance she saw a pool of heated lava. 'That must be the end.' She thought to herself. She started to move forward, but realized she couldn't. Her arm was burning. She'd been so used to feeling her body in burning pain she almost didn't even notice. She turned her head and was face to face with a fire elemental. Not just one, though. There were fourteen flaming beasts, all surrounding her. They held many different forms. "We've heard about you, whore." Rasped the one who held her. She looked lower and saw they all sported flaming cocks. There was no time to protest. She was already naked. The group pulled her down, and began to fuck her. One has never seen such a cluster of fucking. One elemental used both of her feet to thrust in to. Two more fucked each of her "Knee pits". Two more in the pussy, and two in the ass. One sat atop her and fucked her tits, and another in her mouth. There were four total on her arms, two humped her armpits, and two used each of her hands. The final one used her hair, wrapped around his cock. This first round of fucks lasted a half hour before they'd all cummed. The thought it was over. Lava cum was on, and in everything. The elements moved shuffled around her, each taking a different position and took up fucking her again. This continued for hours, until each had cummed multiple times in multiple places. Her holes where all stretched out, and gushing lava. None of her skin was visible anymore. The heat was unbearable. Her stomach was filled with their blazing seed. She had been mercilessly gangbanged twenty-eight times. It had lasted fifteen straight hours. Her body was numb, and her mind was unable to think properly. The elementals left her there. She couldn't move. She fell asleep as the burning cum soaked into her body. Little did she know it, but she was now pregnant. When she finally came to, she saw it. Her stomach had swelled to a great size. The lava was mostly off of her, but she still felt the burn, but more, she felt a burning in her loins. She couldn't get up. She laid back, and began to cry. Then she felt a push. After, a feeling of orgasm, but she wasn't orgasming. The thing in her belly was decreasing in size. She looked down and saw a pool of liquid fire jetting out of her gaping gash. It began to take form. Another elemental. When it had fully formed, she looked at it, in awe. She had just given birth to pure magical fire. The being looked down at her, lying there pathetically. "Hello, Mother." The mass of flame growled. Though she's still sore and weak from the most recent fucking, her new spawn takes her and begins to assault her body with his fiery self. She has no fight left in her. She allows her offspring to mate with her, not that she could stop him. It doesn't take him long to fill her with his burning seed. She wonders if this will make her pregnant again. The being leaves her, to join the armies of Ragnaros. She, on the other hand slowly picks herself up, and continues towards the last leg of her journey. She now approaches the pool of lava.

Chapter 7

Maria stood before the large pit, wondering how she should continue. There was nowhere else to go. Had her journey been pointless? She dipped a foot into the pool. It painfully burned. She forced herself to slide into the pool. She couldn't feel the bottom. She held herself at the edge, knowing she was too weak to keep herself up. She felt her holes expand suddenly. 'Of course.' She thought to herself. 'It wouldn't be an adventure without fucking me everywhere I went.' Suddenly she was lift from the pool. Two long, thick tendrils of magma held her up, impaling her orifices. She hardly felt the pain anymore, but it didn't feel as good as she expected, either. She couldn't move. The flaming tentacles slowly pushed in and out of her, holding her high above the pool. The center of the pool began to swirl. Then, a massive being began to arise from the lava. Much larger than any of the previous beings she'd encountered. "Ragnaros." She whispered in awe. "Yes, mortal. It is I, Ragnaros. You've come seeking the powers of ancient flame. And I shall give it to you." Her eyes widened in excitement. Finally, she was to receive what she had been waiting so long for. Before her floated a necklace of fire. "Wear this, and the power shall be yours." Boomed the ancient elemental. She took the necklace. It burned in her hands and on her neck as she placed it there. It began to shrink. She tried to take it off, but it had fused with her flesh. "Hahahahaha, foolish mortal. With this necklace, you now belong to me. You will serve my mighty army and join with the rest of the souls who came here seeking my power." She could not speak out in protest. The necklace had stolen her voice away. "But first..." The massive elemental god lifted her from the tentacles. He brought her down, her body hovering inches above his massive prick. It was three times her mass, and she could feel it burning hotter than any fire she'd felt before. She tried to scream, but couldn't. He pushed her body down. The large member successfully slid inside her, though not without any pain. The necklace had clearly enchanted her to be able to handle such things. Ragnaros pulled her all the way down his cock. Her form was no longer human in shape. The massive cock contorted her body into absurd dimensions. He quickly began to stroke himself, the speed made her dizzy. His stamina was godly. He used her like this for many days before he finally climaxed. Her body ballooned out, being filled with painfully hot lava. He took her off, and threw her to the ground in front of him. She's certain she would have burst like a bubble, had it not been for the necklace. Four elementals surrounded her, lifted her, and took her away. Lava spewed from her pussy leaving a trail far behind her. She was no longer the person she'd used to be, she was now a slave to fire.


It had been months, or perhaps years since Maria's confrontation with Ragnaros. Time moved differently for her. She stood on all fours, as elementals filled her with their seed. How many children had she had now? She'd lost track after ten. All she was good for was helping to build the army of her master, and she liked it. She stood in a long line of many other people who were in the same position as she was in. She wasn't important anymore. Just another breeding fuck toy. She couldn't even remember her name, she didn't care. All she wanted was the fire. She'd found what she'd came here for, she knows now how powerful, and stimulating the flames can really be.