Lucario and Renamon's Sex Fight.

Story by Shinnjacob on SoFurry

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Renamon and Lucario have become close to eachother for years now, and they decided to have a, ''Sex fight'' in which Lucario has to fight Renamon in a fight where he's about to get, ''raped'' and by that it means that Lucario has to endure some of the greatest sex while fighting, and they decided who will win or not.

As Lucario and Renamon relax at their bedroom, Renamon has an evil and sexy idea in her head. She then gets out of the bed, and looks at Lucario with an evil grin.

''Hey baby.'' She said, making Lucario open his eyes.

''Hmm? What is it honey?'' He said.

''I have an idea..... And you might love it.'' She continues to look at him with her evil grin, which made Lucario blush and smile.

''Hehe..... Does it involves sex?'' He asked.

''Oooooh yes Lucario, but it's more than that, it's called a 'sex fight''' She explained.

''Sex fight? What's that?''

''Well........ This is a fight where two person who are married have to use sexual and seductive techniques in order to fight eachother. If one of them get an orgasm, they lose a battle.'' She said. Lucario then looks at Renamon surprised.

''W-Wait a minute...... You mean.....''

''Why yes Lucario, I DO want to have a sex fight with you.'' She said seductively. Lucario now has his dick really erect, as it got taller and taller in a really faster rate. Renamon noticed it immediately and grins even wider.

''I think your erect dick will love it.'' She teased. Lucario now has a puppy like face.

''OOoooh yes Renamon! I would love that!''

''Hmhm, good. Now listen to the rules. In this fight, you are going to defend yourself against me while I, 'rape' you. If I managed to make you cum, I'll continue to pleasure you and make you cum even more, then I'll take you out for dinner. If you win, you can have some more sex and you can sleep on my boobies.'' She explained.

''Hmph, sounds good to me.'' He said before doing his fighting stance.

''KOI!!! (Come on)'' He said. Renamon then does her fighting stance and her evil grin.

''Ready...... Set....... GO!!!'' She said before tackling Lucario and pinning him to the bed. She uses her boobs attack to pleasure his dick, while Lucario tries to karate chop Renamon in a REALLY fast rate while moaning in pleasure, but she manages to dodge them easily.

''Come on baby..... Why aren't you hitting me?'' She teased.

''*Moaning*..... I'm trying.....*Moaning*......Renamon....*Moaning*.......''

''Really? Then how come you kept missing my face?'' She teased again.

''*Moaning*......Ooooh I'll.....*Moaning*.....Get you Renamon......*Moaning*......HeeeeeYA!!!'' He then tries to kick her in the face but she dodges those kicks and continue to pleasure him.

''Come on baby, is that the best you can do?'' She taunted.

''*Moaning*......*Moaning*......Ooooh my god...*Moaning*.....''

''You got to learn to detect your opponent's moves, didn't you learn that yourself?'' She whispered seductively.

''*Moaning*.....Yes I......*Moaning*.....Did......*Moaning*.......I'm gonna.....*Moaning*.......''

''Hmhmhmhm......Ooooh Lucario, do you not see right now that you can't beat me? I'm just the fastest and strongest wife you can ever have.'' She said.

''*Moaning*.......Oooooh Renamon......Please let me attack....*Moaning*.....''

''Nope, you're mine now my dear Lucario.'' She whispered again. Lucario then tries to pull himself out of her boobs, but the pleasure and the size of her boobs prevent him from doing so. His dick continues to get more and more pleasured, while Lucario tries to figure a way to free himself.

''Yes Lucario....... Cum on.... Cum on.....'' She taunted.

''*Moaning*.......No......I.....*Moaning*.....Will not lose.....*Moaning*......'' He then tries his karate chopping again, this time in a much faster rate, but Renamon is just too fast and strong for Lucario to even hit.

''Hmhmhmhmhm......... Come on Lucario, are you even trying?'' She taunted again.

''Yes.....*Moaning*.......But....*Moaning*......I can't hit you.....*Moaning*....'' Renamon then grins even wider.

''Then how about you give up and accept the climax.''

''*Moaning*......No......*Moaning*......I want to win.....*Moaning*......Ooooh my god....*Moaning*....'' Eventually Lucario just gives up and just accepts the pleasure from her warm boobies.

''Hmhm...... Yes Lucario....... Give me your cum.....''

''*Moaning*.......Ooooh my god.....*Moaning*....OOOooooh.....Ooooooh.......OOoooOOOOOOOOOOH.......OOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaahhhh....'' Lucario shoots out more and more cum on her face, and in her mouth. Renamon licks all of it and grins again.

''So baby, do you want to go again?'' She asked.

''Yeah.....But first, can you let me get up?'' Renamon breaks up allowing him to get out of bed, and so he does his fighting stance again.

''This time, I won't lose.'' He said.

''Hmhm, are you sure darling? You might cum again.'' She teased again.

''No, I just want to win, that's all.'' He said.

''Hmhm, all right.'' She then does her fighting stance again.

''All right Renamon........... KOI!!! (Come on)'' He yelled. He then charges at Renamon and tries to karate chop her but of course, she dodges easily and grabs his left hand, and Lucario tries his right hand to attack her, but she does the same thing, and then pulling his head to her chest, so he can feel the warm boobs.

''What's wrong Lucario? Aren't you going to hit me?'' She taunted. She then wraps her arms around his head and pushes it to make it stuck to her chest, while Lucario tries to free himself from the sexual temption.

''MMMMMPH!!! MMmmmmm......Mmmmmmm.....'' Lucario just muffs and was starting to enjoy this until Lucario manages to slide his head below freeing himself from the temption.

''No.....I will not lose Renamon.'' He proclaimed. Renamon just looks at him seductively.

''Ok, if that's what you want.'' Renamon then does her fighting stance again.

''......Take..... THIS!!'' She yelled before she managed to pounce Lucario and pin him down on the bed. Lucario tries to knock her away, but his hands are being grabbed and pinned down to the blanket with little to no effort. Renamon stares at Lucario with her seductive grin, while Lucario stares at her with surprise.

''You're all mine now, my dear Lucario.'' She whispered evilly. She then slowly gets her anus on top and inserts into his dick and rides it up and down, making them moan in pleasure.

''*Moaning*.....No Renamon.....*Moaning*.......*Moaning*......I will......*Moaning*.....'' In truth, Lucario does enjoy this sex fight. He wants to have sex fight, tickling torture, and just pure sex with her forever.

''*Moaning*......Ooooh yes Lucario.....*Moaning*......Just give up.......*Moaning*..... And enjoy this.....*Moaning*..... While you still can.....*Moaning*......'' Renamon continues to ride his dick in a faster rate, while Lucario tries to free his hands so that he can somehow managed to win this fight, but he knew he was never going to win.

''OOOOOOoooooooh my god Renamon....*Moaning*..........You're so......*Moaning*...... Sexy and evil.....*Moaning*.....''

''OOoooh yes I am....*Moaning*......Lucario....'' They both moaned and moaned and moaned and moaned louder and louder in pleasure as she continues riding his dick in a much faster rate. Then are now about to scream.



''OOOOOOOOOOOOOHWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh.....'' They both scream in pleasure as they both shoot cum and juices at her pussy and his dick. Renamon then breaks it up and looks at Lucario with her usual sexy grin.

''That was fun and sexy huh Lucario?'' She said. Lucario looks at her with a really happy face.

''OOOOH YES RENAMON!!! That was really fun and sexy!''

''Now then Lucario, since you lost........''

''Ok Renamon, I confessed, you win.'' He said rolling over and putting himself in a position where he's about to get pegged.

''Now just do whatever you want to me. I enjoyed it anyway.'' He said, making her grin even more wider.

''Glad you are able to accept defeat Lucario.'' She then picks up a green dildo from before and sticks it on her anus. Then she gets on bed, and puts her hands on his ass and grins again.

''Prepare yourself my dear Lucario....... Your ass is now MINE!!!'' She said before inserting her dildo in his anus, fucking his ass really hard and really fast, making Lucario moan loudly in pleasure.


''Indeed Lucario, it's great when an evil mistress gets to fuck your ass after she won the sex fight.'' She said. Renamon continues to fuck his ass faster and faster and faster. Lucario just enjoys the warm sensation from the dildo.

''*MOANING*........RENAMON!!! *MOANING*........I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!! *MOANING*....... RAPE ME!!! RAPE ME!!! RAPE ME!!! *MOANING* RAPE ME!!!! *MOANING* PLEASE!!!'' When he meant by, ''Rape me'' he doesn't really want to get raped, he just wants his ass to get fucked by his hot wife.

''Hmhmhm..... As you wish victim.'' She said before using her ultimate ass fucking technique, using her dildo to fuck with great force and speed, and making him moan really loudly in pleasure. Luckily, the dildo didn't hurt him at all despite the force.

''*MOANING!!!!* OOOOOOOOOH MAI GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAOD!!!! *MOANING!!!* RAPEMERAPEMERAPEME-*MOANING!!!* OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH YES!!!! *MOANING!!!*'' Lucario was really enjoying the pegging on his ass. Lucario may be the luckiest Pokemon in the world or maybe in the universe.

''Cum on baby........ You know you want to..... Your mistress wants you to cum, doesn't she?'' She teased again. Lucario is now about to scream at the top of his lungs.

''*MOANING!!!* OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!'' He shoots out lots and lots of cum staining the dildo once again. Renamon stops her pegging and breaks up, letting Lucario laid down on the bed while he's breathing heavily and sweating profusely. Renamon then gets the dildo unstuck and puts it back on the box, then she gets on the bed and laids down next to him.

''*Sighs*.......You know Lucario....'' She said.

''There are people out there who think we're going to fight eachother for real in a crossover battle or a death battle.''

''*Breathing*......No shit? *Breathing*''

''Yeah....... But it turns out......... We just gotten together as the best husband and wife.'' She said smiling at him, while he's still breathing.

''Ooooh Renamon...*Breathing*.....'' He smiles while still breathing.

''Now then, it's about time I take you out for a date.'' She said. Lucario nodded happily in response.

''I am the luckiest Pokemon in the world!'' He thought.

2 hours later.....

As Lucario and Renamon walk in the streets together holding their hands....

''AAAAH!!! GET AWAY FROM ME YOU CREEPS!!'' Came a female voice. Lucario and Renamon break up their hand holding to see where the screaming was coming from. There they saw two muscular gang members. The African-American one at the left, and the White one at the right as they put their hand on the wall blocking her freedom. The girl is really small and defenseless against these tall, strong perverts.

''Come on babe, we want to see your chest for a bit.'' The white one said.

''Yeah bitch, yo breasts look really good for us homies.'' The black one said. Lucario and Renamon sighed in annoyance.

''Another rape incident?'' Lucario said.

''These guys don't know when to quit.'' Renamon said. The two walked closely to save the girl.

''Hey guys! Why don't you just leave her alone!'' Lucario said.

''Don't you humans have better things to do than to rape this poor female human?'' Renamon said. The two creeps then look at them in anger.

''Who the fuck are you two!? You mind your own business!'' The white one said.

''Why should we? Your business sounds pretty shitty, dangerous....... And illegal.'' Lucario said.

''besides, our business is way better than your rape attempt or any illegal drug activties.'' Renamon said.


''Man, you niggas better watch yo back before we're gonna beat yo bitch ass niggas.'' The black one said.

''Really? Does my back has some kinda bug or something?'' Lucario taunted.

''Or maybe my back just has some kinda fist that we're gonna use to kick your ass.'' Renamon taunted. The two gangs started to become furious.

''OOOOOOH THAT'S IT!!! THAT'S FUCKING IT!!!'' The white one said.


''Really? That's all you have to say? What is trippn anyway?'' Renamon said with her trollish grin.

''I'm gussing this means we're gonna make those guys, 'trip''' Lucario joked with his trollish grin.

''YOU MOTHERFUCKERS!!!! DIE!!!'' The white one said. The two gangs charged at them, but they dodge and managed to use their legs to make them trip. Literally.

''OOOOOOOOOOWW!!!'' They both yelled.

''Well, I guess you guys were, 'trippen' am I right Lucario?'' She said, making him laugh.

''You said it honey.'' He said. The two gangs managed to get up and look at them with fire in their eyes.

''YOU ARE SO FUCKING DEAD!!!!!'' They yelled. They charge at them again and try to use their fists to attack them, but they grabbed them with their hands, and they managed to kick them in the balls. The two yelled in a chipmuck voice and the two couple managed to use their karate chop to knock the two gangs out. The girl watched in awe while Lucario and Renamon both smiled.

''There. I think that will teach them a lesson.'' Renamon said.


''Those guys are trippn balls.'' The two couple said to eachother before laughing.

''Uuuuuuuh guys.....'' The girl said. Lucario and Renamon stopped laughing and look at the girl.

''That.........was........AWESOME!!!!'' The girl said excitedly.

''You guys should like be in a movie where you're an awesome romantic couple making out and kicking ass!'' She said.

''Heh, don't mention it ma'am, we're just trying to be heroes in real life.'' Lucario said.

''By the way girl, what's your name?'' Renamon asked.

''Oh, my apologies. The name's Yumi.'' She introduced herself.

''Yumi huh? Glad we're able to help.'' Lucario said.

''Thanks guys! See you later!'' She said before running away. The two waved goodbye, then the two looked at eachother.

''You know, maybe we ARE awesome romantic couples making out and kicking ass.'' Lucario said.

''I thinking maybe you're right dear.'' Renamon said. The two hold hands together again.

''Shall we?'' Lucario said before the two walked through the streets again. 5 hours later, the two gangs are now in their prison cells, pissed that they were humiliated by a Pokemon and a Digimon.

''Man I can't believe we got beaten by two guys in stupid customes.'' The white one said.

''Those niggas are gonna be deader than a white skeleton on the nigga's grave.'' The black one said.

''Shut up assholes, unless you want to get the stick?'' The police officer said. Thanks for reading guys and I hoped that you enjoyed it.

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