Taking Candy from Strangers

Story by paula on SoFurry

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The new house was much smaller than the one they were moving out of, unfortunately after it burned down moving was the only option. Sara, being a single mother in her 40's and having 4 children to support had to take what little work was offered to her and was forced to make the commitment to move. Her 3 daughters and her son had to pack what had survived the fire and go with.

Most of James' belonging had been lost in the fire and he was forced to borrow from his sisters, Jenna 19, Mandi 17, and Cindy 16. Sara had an amazing figure for her age, especially after having 4 kids and each of her daughters had gotten her voluptuous curves which they had developed early on. The four of them had soft white coats, definitely the hottest felines in this new town. James was the youngest being 15 his coat was tan, like his fathers was. James slept on the floor of the living room apartment, sadly the family of 5 had to share this room as well as the rest of the apartment and space was limited. There were several smaller rooms but they were filled with unsorted boxes of belongings that didn't have room anywhere else, it wold be along time until they found a home. Privacy also was limited, James nearly always aw one of the girls in the house naked. In their old house James rarely left his room and his sisters and mother were used to simply walking around scantly clad if at all. This habit would not be broken jut because of the move. James layed sprawled out his legs spread open. His youngest sister (who was still older than him) walked sleepily to the bathroom carelessly stepping on his groin, smooshing his balls with her foot. Coughing in pain James quickly rose, "cough...damn it Cindy...please watch where you step"

She turned to him and smiled, "well maybe you should watch where you put your balls."

"you're a jerk," he said pouting.

"I know I am, and if you don't like it you can kiss my ass", she said bending over pulling down her panties pinching her huge ass cheeks.

James had recently gotten used to seeing his sisters and mother naked and had always been used to being teased so he shrugged it off as usual. He followed his sister to the bathroom, Jenna and Mandi were already in line ahead of Cindy as James stood in the hallway, their mother already in the bathroom. James held his crotch and performed what his family called his "pee pee" dance. He did this often since he never seemed to be first in line for the only bathroom in the house. "Guys," he said to his sisters,"Can I cut in line, i really have to pee." They turned and looked at him, holding their crotches mockingly. "so do we, so do we," they said in unison.

Sara Came out of the bathroom a Jenna quickly went in. She looked at James in amusement. "If you really have to go honey, just go in the alley out back and pee."

"But it's cold outside."

"They you'll have to wait in line"

Finally after what felt like an eternity the bathroom was empty. James quickly pulled down the panties he was wearing (among the other thing he had to borrow from his sister's clothes were no exception) and was about to pee when his sister Jenna walked it.

"Can I have some privacy?." James asked.

"James I've seen you're lil wang before, it's old news, get over it. She said walking to the mirror in front of the toilet. "And sit down when you pee, gawd, boys just can't aim, you hit everything."

Jame reluctantly at down his face parallel to his sisters huge butt. Just then Mandi came in. "Move over,I have to brush my teeth"

"So do I", Jenna replied.

While fighting for room at the mirror they both bent over, pinning Jame's head against the wall, their huge asses smother his face. James fought for air as he finally managed to free himself from his sisters bubble butts "I'll take my chances in the alley", he muttered as he left.

Having no clothes of his own he was forced to wear a set his mother left out, a pink sweater top and light blue dress that stopped just after his knees. It didn't help that his sisters had such huge asses that none of their pants fit him, and he had to resort to dresses. He put on matching socks and some hand me down girls shoes and went into the alley out back.

James walked down the alley behind the run down apartment he lived in and proceeded to tinkle. After he put his willy back into the panties he was wearing he noticed a piece of candy on the ground and picked it up. He looked at it cautiously and licked it, his nose twitched, it was delicious. He quickly ate it noticing there was another just a few feet down the alley, this one was blueberry and tasted even better than the first. James ventured down the alley collecting and eating more candy as he went. He followed the trail of candy down a set of stairs into the basement of an abandoned building a few blocks from his home. The hallway at the bottom of the basement led to a doorway. James carefully entered the room to find a small bedroom that looked like a girls bedroom, there was a dresser with stars on it, a big bed with pink blankets and a some other a lamp with a purple lampshade that left a purple hue to the room, and several posters of different dolls that James had seen advertised on tv before. James walked over to the bed and looked at the frilly pillows on it, it looked pretty comfy.

Just then the door closed as the lights dimmed and some cheesy music out of a 70's porno began to play from somewhere in the room. James still had his back to the door as he felt his panties get pulled down to his ankles. He quickly bent over to pull them back up. As he did this he felt something big and warm pressed up against his butt, he paused trying to figure out what it was. It slid between his legs and brushed up against his genitals, it felt weird, hard and warm but it felt kinda nice against his groin. It stuck out at least a foot in front of his crotch, he reached down and grabbed it with both hands. His hands couldn't even grip all the way around it, it was as thick as one of his arms and seemed at least half as long. It twitched as his warm hands ran over it, wondering what it was. Suddenly he felt himself being picked up as it slid out from between his legs he was turned around and slowly set down until he felt the big warm hard thing pressing firmly against his butt. He was gently lowered onto it, it separated his butt cheeks and rested firmly against tightly little rosebud. His sensitive lil tail hole could feel something warm and gooey dripping out of the warm hard thing slowly getting his butt sticky.

Just as he was wondering what that was he felt his body wait no longer being supported by whatever/whoever had been holding him up. All of his 130 pounds was now being supported by his bum hole which was resting on the big hard thing, that refused to yield against his weight. James slowly began to his dismay, to slide down the hard thing. The head of it which felt huge, was roughly the size of one of his small fists. His body was forced to stretch tremendously to accommodate it, as he was forced to give in under his own weight. The tip stretched his rosebud many many times its original size bringing tears to James eyes. He could feel his body being torn wide open. He tried to grab the warm hard thing and hold himself up, to keep his ass from having to support the weight, making it slide in. It worked. But his arms began to grow tired quickly. Tears ran down his cheeks as he futily tried to save his tight virgin ass. His arms finally gave out and with a painful thud his ass slammed against the hard thing, sending a wave of pain through his body, he now openly cried, tears pouring out of his eyes. The tip of the hard thing hadn't even entered his body yet, it was still trying to stretch enough to get in as James wailed in pain as his tail moved back and forth in the air.

James cried loudly not noticing the big pair of hands on his shoulders. Without warning and in one effortless push Jame's body was shoved down upon he large hard thing, impaling his insides. The entire thing went into his body without hesitation. All of the muscles in his butt were obliterated. His colon was stretched tightly against his inner walls. Even the bones of his hips were pushed outward away from his body. An enormous bulge could be seen from the outside against his stomach. A visible outline of the big thing could clearly be seen His stomach of pushed up several inches by the tip of the hard thing. James' cute cat ears twitched uncontrollably as his eyes rolled into the back of his head and his body went limp.

James woke up in the alley behind his apartment that he had peed in earlier that morning, the sun was now high in the sky, it much have been time for lunch, his stomach growled as he sat up. A sharp pain shot through his spine to his entire body as he sat up. His ass was in so much pain that it brought tears to his eyes. He keeled reaching a to his bottom. His panties were soaked with some sort of thick white goo, he licked, it tasted funny. He reached a hand into his pantie and gently brushed his broken asshole. It was so sensitive the pain made him burst into tears. He sobbed for 5 minutes before he could control himself and stand up. He limped his way to his apartment. Each step he took caused his cheeks to rub against his raw asshole which would produce more crying. He finally managed to make it to the rear entrance leading to his apartment, stepping inside he looked up at the high stairwell, he had 5 flights to climb. It normally only took a minute to gleefully run up the stairs, it took 15 minutes this time, one step at a time, one slow, painful step. Each step caused a lil bit of the goo to drip out of his tush, it ran down his legs and pooled in his hand me down girls shoes. James opened the door to find the apartment empty he limped into the living room and collapsed onto his pile of blankets stomach first and passed out from exhaustion.

James mother came home from work in tears, the job that had been the reason to move to this crummy town had been given to someone of more "experience" she now had no money and no job. She sat down on the couch at flipped through the mail hoping for some sign of hope. After flipping through several unpaid bills which only added to hear hysteria she came across a blank white envelope. Inside was a large sum of cash and a note that simply said, "You deserve more than just candy."