Biker Mice from Mars - Hypno-Mice
**Biker Mice From Mars: Hypno-Mice** "Man, what's wrong with this thing?" Vinnie grunted, his bike pulled over to the side of the street, illuminated only by the dim street lights nearby. He knelt down and prodded at his bike, scowling at it with a...
The Seduction of Kion
**The Lion Guard: Seduction of Kion** Kion sat at the edge of the watering hole, the prince of the Pride Lands basking in the sun, dressed in his loincloth with his golden-yellow fur almost shining in the sunlight. He was taking some time to himself,...
Sly Cooper: Prison Bitch
**Sly Cooper: Prison Bitch** Sly Cooper was alone. He stood naked under the prison showers, tilting his head up as the warm water splattered across his body. He'd finally been caught. A simple screw up during an operation for which he was fully to...
Spyro: Coming of Age
-arch ^^ ** ** **spyro: coming of age** it was spyro's eighteenth birthday and time for the young, scaly teenager's coming of age ceremony.
The Christmas Party
** **-arch ^^** ** **
Starfox: A Contest
-arch ^^ **starfox: a contest** fox downed another shot of vodka and shook his head, shivering from the strong, slightly burning taste of it.
An Older Man
-arch ^^ **an older man** henry had the same dream again.
Commission: Breaking Panthro
**Breaking Panthro** Panthro followed his companion close, their feet crunching on the dry wasteland soil, occasionally kicking the odd stone to the side as they walked. They'd been walking for a while now and Panthro was starting to wonder what in...
Cat's Captive
-arch ^^ **cat's captive** dirk could vaguely remember what had happened to him. he'd been out scouting the forests for any sign of activity from opposing feline forces when he'd stepped into a rope trap. it was embarrassing to say the least.
Better with Dad
-arch ^^ **better with dad** it was already late, the house completely quiet aside from the sound of the tv coming from the only occupied room; some cheesy action flick had been put on, not that the two figures sitting on the couch in front of it were paying
A Dragon's Housewarming
-arch ^^ kale checked the time, sitting back in his sofa in his brand new, sparsely decorated apartment, his black and green, scaly, chubby dragon form sinking into the soft cushions. it was just after 8 pm; jay would be here soon.
Robin Hood: Sheriff's Playtime
-arch ^^ **robin hood:** **sheriff's playtime** robin sat alone in his prison cell, stripped of all his clothes save for the ripped and torn loincloth around his waist which did a sad job of trying to cover up the fox's shame.