Convicts - Part 2
But due to a mix-up at a local disclaimer firm, this disclaimer has been misplaced, or rather, placed here by mistake.
"Mountain of the Yeti"
disclaimer: i don't own digimon, just the story that's all. keith is a normal type of guy, being 13 years old and all. being the only person in a town that somehow was abandoned by everyone in it had it's advantages.
PAE - Rape City Background
#4 of post-apocalyptic earth rape city background ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ disclaimer: the following fictional story is intended only for open-minded adults aged 18 years or older (21 in some jurisdictions), and may contain instances
A Trip To The Dungeon (PArt Two) [Not yet done finishing as I go along sorry ^~^]
Rating has enclosed that there is nudity sexual content adult language and behavior and uses of bdsm** __\*\*\*\*disclaimer note\*\*\*\* if you cannot fathom the sexual actions of someone, please kindly \click here :d\
10 Year Difference
10 year difference disclaimer: this story has acts of sexual acts between two males. if it's not what you're interested in then please ignore it. ...5 years ago... "steven. i vow to always be there with you, thick or thin. good or bad."
[Public Release Document] Micklen Trygonic logs: incident #32986 (Work in progress)
#1 of the history of blue shields trygons (disclaimer: all works of thatoneprotogen are completely fictional, any resemblance to real events, past, present or future is completely coincidental and any real person mentioned in this work, alive or deceased
Character bio sheet
Mandatory disclaimer!!!!! these characters are all purely fictional. any resemblance to real life figures is coincidence/unintentional. please don't sue me. lol. also my pc is fried at the moment so i'm doing this on a phone.
Things you shouldn't write in your friends yearbook, but did anyway.
So onto the disclaimer. this story contains graphic scenes between three underage boys, two of them brothers. if you will be offended then stop reading and leave. if you continue reading and are offended, you have been warned.
Hurt: Chaper 1.
#1 of "hurt" series i'm going to go ahead and put a disclaimer here. this story may contain content that is unsuitable for underage readers.
Chapter 0: Preface
. :3 that's all the info and disclaimers i got. enjoy the stories! ~ charem
Chronicles of the Wasteland Warrior Chapter 1: Prologue
Super lame disclaimer of boring laziness. if you're not of legal age (18 or 21, depending on where you live), do not view this.
Terra, chapter six: The Plan
**disclaimer: i do not own teen titans or carrie.** \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\