Road Rovers Coming Out
She pushed jenna against the graffiti-covered, chipped pink door and untied her halter top. her bare, white tits were perfectly shaped, like big, round washington apples.
The Buccaneer's Bay (anthology excerpt)
In the center of the property rested a large wave pool, now decrepit and its walls a heavily graffitied mural. interestingly, some of it looked recent.
The Loner, Chapter 1
The poster stood above and behind him, the only thing decorating the walls aside from the occasional tag of paint and graffiti. the cool air fogged the fox's breath, and he suppressed a shiver. he regretted not bringing a heavier jacket.
graffiti and rats surrounded them as they dove deeper into the maze of alleys and buildings. once, the block may have been part of the industry that pushed the world, but now the broken machinery was the only sight of technology to be had.
Yo-kai Specs 2: Hanako-san: Out Of Order
There was some very unusual graffiti on the stall wall -- something that some kind of weird kid must have scribbled. "little hanako is here, and she will be your greatest fear.
Amber Silverblood: Chapter Fifty Nine
Just a closed door on the far side of the room, a few graffiti tags on the walls, and some mouse droppings i was careful to avoid stepping on. absolutely nothing that could give me any kind of clue as to where to find a weredoctor.
The Hitchhikers Guild (Chapter 1, Part 1)
Red brick work, mixed with lattice panels and graffiti of a rainbow with several species of furs holding hands. allen got out of the truck after parking, stretching and reaching a towering height of around 7'1. "ah, the home away from home!"
all for one -chapter 2
The old brickwalls were littered with graffiti both new and worn. a trashcan was on its side. they walked carelessly through the narrow passageway. when they were turning the corner, they ran into two other kids.
The graffiti marked lime green walls, shined wetly under the flickering fluorescent light. big hooves made a hollow sounding clip clop as the young stud moved back to check the stalls.
Rodney's Restroom Encounter
He immediately noticed the countless marks of graffiti that marked the walls on both sides of him. some being drawings, others were phrases.
Sunkra gets tattooed
As he follows her, they turn into a corridor with heavy graffiti against the walls, then walking into a somewhat hidden door.
Pit Stop Subway [Piss fic]
His clawed palms pushed against the windows, body flushed against the graffiti-marked doors, and he could only watch helplessly as the cart inched its way to the next stop, safety fading away to be engulfed by the shadows of claustrophobia.