Games, Sex, and Some Positive Suggestion

My dad gets really excited when i bring him loot from that quest." said the smiling cub. "loot eh?" the ferret broke his combo of mhm's and looked at gregor, who had one paw on the back of his head scratching while his face trying to force a smile.

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No Frills: Napstar

To be trusted until he could run away with the loot was the nearest he desired to trusting relationships.

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In Over Their Heads (Vore Story)

The loot they had gotten was already pretty good, but the two of them were feeling confident, and there were even greater treasures to be found deeper inside... "did you grab the dagger from that other chest?"

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Llewellyn Bio

The state allowed the sheriff to keep 50% of all fines and loot gathered during any arrest. he retired when he was 43 years old in 1894. he met his wife, a lovely wolfess named nora, the next year. they had two sons and a daughter.

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Limbo Lower (Otherwise Untitled)

~ the diminutive hologram repeated herself, "i don't care if you're here to loot. i've made my peace with that, though i'm flattered you've brought the power cells to wake me up."

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Down with the Giant Knight

From the bags of uncollected loot in the area, he deduced that the giant knight had attacked the other enemies, perhaps because of type or location.

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Gnoll Brigand: Prologue IV

When nothing came, and no screams were heard, taaru bandaged your ribs and shoulder up before you started searching bodies and gathering your loot in the centre of the encampment.

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The Fellowship of the Fluff

Cutting through the loot was a channel of hastily swept aside odds and ends serving as a path, meandering through the raccoon's spoils in a random fashion perfectly reflecting the chaotic organisation of the loot, or lack thereof.

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A place full to the brim with irradiation, mutants, and loot. lots and lots of loot. you see the dead zone used to be a city. one that radiated warmth and happiness. a place one could go to forget the horrors of the world around them.

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Distant Earth CYOA part 17

Deju gave him a broad smile, "ah looking to do the looting eh? very well, qerry you have the bridge and paul you can take the civilians, i imagine it'll be interesting for you to be on the other side of the guns this time."

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The Broadcast

_"widespread looting is still being reported in chicago and cleveland even after the recent major operation by the national guard who are maintaining the urban quarantine perimeter around these cities.

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Asterquest 2: Cocksleeve Extraordinaire

You looted my entire caravan! and you looted me, too, now that i think about it." the kobold hummed. "well, yes. but i believe you'll be more than happy with your new accommodations." she then gave a quick curtsy and added, "my name is melody.

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