A Life in College: Back in the Rut

I groaned, rolling out of the warm comfort of my dorm bed. I really didn't want to get up, didn't want to leave the warm and inviting company of Zoe, the cheetah who had spent the night in my bed. But, it was Friday, and I had a class to get to. It was...

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A Life in College: A Look Back, Part 1

When I woke up the morning after last night, I was immediately happy. It was cool in my dorm, it was quiet, and I had Zoe laying on top of me. One of her small soft paws was laying in my own paw, and the cold sheets felt good against my naked body. Zoe...

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A Life in College: A Thought (and Action) Part 2

Picture this: guy's sitting on the floor at the side of his bed. On the bed is his girl, and she's got her ass in his face. Her legs are draped over his chest, and his paws have plenty of grabbing room. _NOT_ the most comfortable position to be in....

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A Life in College: A Friendly Wager, Part 1

"Sammy your boys a wuss!" Anji said. "What'da you call me mother fucker?" I looked up and turned my head, eyeballing my friend. The wolf held up his paws, smiling. "It's true," he said. "Man," I growled. "If I could get outta my seat right...

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A Little Something Different, Part 8

Ever had sex in the bathroom? I don't mean the bathroom at your house. I mean a public bathroom. In public. No? Well, I can tell you, from recent personally experience, that it's... different. I personally think it depends on the size of the bathroom....

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Les Animaux Confeiture

Les Animaux Confeiture The sun had settled once again, and most of the creatures inhabiting Paris park were preparing to do the same, another long summer day ending, dashing its brilliance across...

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A little Something Different, Part 2

My day really started when he pushed himself against me. I had been scrolling through my Facebook newsfeed, not really paying it any attention. I had heard Jordan coming first, then see him from the corner of my eye. Dressed in a t-shirt and gym...

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A little Something Different, Part 3

Jordan and I, we've been fucking for a while now. And it's good, don't get me wrong. No _definitely _don't get me wrong on that. But Wednesday, yesterday as a matter a fact, was by far our best fuck yet. It started out like any other day really. I...

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A Life In College: Renewing a Bond, Part 2

Before cheating on Kiylee, I hadn't ever been slapped by a girl. I knew Anji had though. I had seen it happen a couple of times. Maybe he'd get to rough with a girl, or rub her the wrong way. Then it was a nice, smooth _whack_ across the face, and the...

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Tides of Grozdov

**Floods of Grozdov** Grozdov, Moldova's capital, isn't a small city, but one might get that impression standing at the edge of the Northern Pass, just after the place where customs office used to reside back in 568. The city lies (or floats, if you...

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Welcome to Quarantine

The apartment was dark. It was day, but all the curtains were pulled. The common room laid desolate. Abandoned snack wrappers and take out containers scattered the floor. The television was muted, the same news channel had been on for the last 72...

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Recontextualize 16 - And They're Multiplying

The opossum's name sounded so ridiculous. "yea, yea, laugh it up," the opossum said. "sorry," she said. "anyway, it's time for us to sleep." "about that," ritchie said. "don't wander off. i don't want you to be captured because of it.

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