A Tale Of Two Horses Act Two
I'm going to do what any other working horse does on a friday night, go and spend my wages in the local pub.
A Tale Of Two Horses, Act 2.
I'm going to do what any other working horse does on a friday night, go and spend my wages in the local pub.
Social Lubricant
The heady atmosphere merged with tobacco and the heat of the pub's fireplace, and the pub was almost soporific; or would have been, if it hadn't just been so damn frustratingly alive. god, why was he even still here?
The Ambassador
Out of courtesy, i offered to take decro to the pub. it does get a bit rowdy sometimes, and i was half hoping that that would be enough to deter the ambassador.
In the Service of Mystery (Pt. 12)
'i'll just get my bag,' she said, 'and then we can head over to the pub.' 'great.' was all i could think to say.
It's The First Day (Yet Again)
He opens his eyes and on top of the expected looks of bafflement from the other monsters in the pub, he finds himself face towards and pointing to a little cornered off seating area, just a stroll away from the bar.
Your Name Is: Skúmálfar - Chapter 05
He gives his blessing via a little nod and skúmálfar heads out and opens the pub door, with some new local neither of them recognised waiting for her on the other side.
Their Labors of Love | Chapter 1
Night was in full bloom by the time they emerged from the pub. everyone, including sirius, had drunk their share of mead and spirits were high.
Lincoln's Dogs - Chapter 2
Someone must've really been jealous of the pubs that civilization had to offer. the stools weren't that much better, either, although i got the impression that it's more because the pub's owner couldn't afford better stools.
A Dragon's Diary 09.08
So zoiryss, when i called him, was just leaving the pub, and i met with him about 20 minutes later. we settled in another pub and started to drink. we ordered chicken, and drank soju with it.
A Bump in the Road. Chapter Thirteen.
The pub was more packed than normal. several people had filled up the various tables spread around the room. many of the booths were filled up with things in their natural forms.
Marcus Lane - Chapter Six
"you know, i think i'll join you at the pub," frank sighed. "i could use a drink."