Saving the Species Ch. 1 The Meeting
#1 of saving the species this story is a compilation of responses to a roleplay between myself and moneywonder. the roleplay took place over a course of about 5 months and was all done by email.
Saving the ponies Chapter 17: Delay
Aj took the trip to carousel boutique much slower than that to twilight's library, seeing as she had gotten the pony with the most potential to save pinkie.
Saving the ponies Chapter 14: Time
What happens when luck and quick thinking isn't enough to save you?" "then i guess i'll die." he returned before quickly changing the subject.
Saved From the Streets Ch.1
So this is Chapter one of a few I'm doing. Originally started as an RP, this will end up just being a story. Right now, for chapter one, ive devided the characters as wouldve been done in a roleplay. They will tie together better in the next...
Only YOU can Save the Wolves
"keep it up and you'll save his kind. later, as she lay nuzzling her pups into place along her belly, she realized she'd never been so happy as a human.
Save the world, or lose my Job
Shiron was perfectly fine, save for the blood and dirt that got on him, it was mostly cause of his tough scales, and being the wind dragon always had its perks .
New Dawn: A Prismatic Life to Save
A prismatic life to save it seemed that the flyer i had seen last night about a music artist signing autographs to promote their new cd was happening today.
Revolution | Chapter VI: A Saving Grace
_Arthur_ After hours of being outside in the rain, I decided that I hated it. It was still very dark but it was four in the morning. I had jogged for an hour prior to this trying to make sure that I was at that scouting party before they left. The...
Saving the Sha'khari 1 - Rabbit and Rescue
For the phone call that saved my bacon." she shrugged, and finished chewing a bite of her own sandwich. "a walk home. i'm still buying your lunch, after all." "fine."
Saving the Sha'khari 4 - Fighting and Bonding
"those ratty things didn't have any knees left anyway," oro pointed out, "i just saved you the trouble of tossing 'em. or is 'reclaimed trash' the fashion fad this year?"
Saving the Sha'khari 3 - Training and Testing
With a lurch, the skirt whipped up her body and over her head, nearly bringing her shirt with it (her tucked arms managed to save that much).
Saving the Sha'khari 5 - Sarahi's Heartbreak
# Sarahi's Heartbreak "Are you sure you want to walk?" Mrs. Swordbright asked Oro as they rolled into her drive, "I don't mind driving you from here." In retrospect, she probably should have swung by _his_ house first, but the Swordbright house was...