Love at Twin Oaks Pt. 6

#7 of love at twin oaks the two bucks stared at each other as long silent minutes dragged past. finally dirk spoke in a soft, growling voice, "give me **one** good reason not to remove you from this property."

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The Walls of Akros

Slowly, two figures took shape: brave iroas and savage mogis, the twin gods of warfare, respective patrons of the akroans and the minotaurs.

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A Mistake Most Foul | LusterUnicorn Monthly Commissions [4]

He relished the realization that lily was hesitate, coaxed into this sexual game by her sister, her twin.

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Joel & Elijah get locked up

The fact was, it was true, but he would have liked to see his twin stay calm when a cock bigger than his arm got shoved through. it was pretty freaky the first time around.

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The Tortures Of The Childhood Memory

Fine, you win." the bully ran off, shouting behind him, "don't expect your twin to always be there for you!"my tiger growled, not knowing the threat was gone. i rubbed its head. "at ease, bud. he's gone.""fine." resigned the tiger.

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Loss of a Loved One

The twin shifted his feet, looking past the ground towards a nowhere that contain enough courage for him to tell his twin everything. he did not see that nowhere. "the forest. that's all i can tell you."

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Chapter Nine: Cleansing

While he ate and watched his twin eat more in these few minutes than she had at one time in three days, he contemplated his feelings.

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Chapter Two: First Day

_five years ago, when the twins were only eight years old, they wandered out of the yard and were playing in the parking lot of a nearby convenience store.

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My twin froze, still avoiding my eyes. "w-what? i said i was sorry...." he whimpered, cradling his arms. he looked so pathetic, i bit my lip to stop myself for saying such. "so... uh...

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Alex and Jay

Alex tackled him and the started fightting like twins do. then after awhile they stopped and got out, and dryed off, jay watched alex wondering if he should tell him....then "h-hey alex." alex aswered "yeah?" jay blushed and said "i'm gay..."

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you think your families weird

The two small siamese cat twins looked up at him and spoke in synchrony "hi alex!" the two young boys grinned up both green eyed gold furred boys twitched they're ears. alex smiled at them and ruffled theyre hair each.

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Over the Rainbow Chapter one: Ryv and Rho

They looked almost identical despite the fact they were fraternal twins. the only difference was the fact that ryver kept her fur cut a little bit shorter then rhode had his.

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