All Hallow's Eve: The Beast with Many Backs

You look just like the character from that vampire game and tv show."

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A Sinuous Ritual

"the vampire! i am talking about the vampire!" you say with a degree of exasperation. "the vampire? oh yes, bring me its head and you'll get your pay. though, you look a little green to be out hunting the eternally damned."

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Deep Connection

The vampire positioned herself on the comfortable cushions, not feeling any shame of being so much exposed before the stranger. the pale-skinned vampire slowly licked her fangs, deeply liking the view.

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Wolf Mountain: The Begining

I'm coming back because there is no way that she can be a vampire, or at least a true vampire. i think that there is something else in her veins besides vampire blood.

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Tying Up Town Buisness

"so are they going to have a vampire come though?" i shake my head raising an eyebrow, the dwarf chuckles and binds a barrel to alberich's back. "two things gossip more than an old woman, a dwarf and a vampire.

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Vampires des contes et vampires des rues

Il s'est plaqué contre le mur et ne fait plus aucun mouvement, les yeux écarquillés et braqués sur le vampire. vampire qui s'approche, du sang coulant encore de ses crocs.

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What a beautiful night

"ya, why did you give me the option of becoming a vampire, i thought you killed other vampires?" i asked him. "oh, and while i remember, what's your name?" "to answer your first question, i felt you were too young to die.

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Part 1: Enter the Chaos

That made the vampire's chilly blood boiled with rage.

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Fangs and Tusks [1/?]

I was only told to lure the vampire out of hiding. this vampire, shurod, used to be a normal orc, but then he got in a fight with a vampire lord. he managed to win, but at the cost of being bitten.

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Castlevania: Tammy Nook's Reign - Intro

She had very wide hips, an alluring gaze, and a toothy grin that presented fangs... she was a vampire. the villager turned vampire hunter had been chasing down this vampire, the lady of the very castle that they both were now in.

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On the Hunt

The question sent a chill through the molested vampire, the feline driving his member deeper each time he surged forward.

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The Envoy Arrives

My uncle looks at the female vampire and sighs shaking his head then mutters something and walks away. {he's going to ask miresgalsell if there is a holy silver that vampires are not against}.

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