Ander - Part 4: Subchapter 7
The smell of burning fur was the most bitter thing in the whole world, more bitter than the most poisonous of mushrooms, more bitter than the hatred surrounding them, it was a bitterness that clung to you in sticky layers, bitterness that wouldn't come off
Little Blue Love (Soft)
It was like a bitter spice upon veemon's tongue, the taste so exquisite as it tingled over his soft pink muscle.
Chapter 19 Best One Out of Three
Frantic, she kicked her hooves and was bitterly triumphant when the creature growled in pain and let go.
Re: Speech 4. Fear Of Dying
They try to hide the bitter truths with the sweetest lies. that's why there is a word called "immortal" and that's why there is "heaven" and "god". all of those deserve to be despised.
A small chunk of Sunny Side Up
The sangria was bitter sweet and i was licking my muzzle more than usual. part of the problem was it came from a bar in the airport but i needed something to relax my thoughts and set me in a more open mood.
Chapter 1: Albino Dreams
The night was cold; a bitter wind blew down the empty streets as the rain rapped against the windows.
I sat for minutes, staring at the black, bitter coffee between my paws attempting to process the brief but devastating moment that had just occurred, but to no avail.
Floppy Disk 6 [Unfinished][WIP]
"i can taste your bitterness, greg. i can taste that bitterness for me but i think we will have a more mutual understanding when we arrive at my little home on on the hill..." bitter was right.
Renamon's Feelings ( A Vengeance Spin-Off)
Renamon: hm, i don't know, i wished it wasn't so bitter. matt: now it's my turn to service. i pushed her down and started searching her lower regions trying to find her lips in all that fur.
Shivering now from the bitter winter cold, he wound his way through trees and rocks hearing nothing but the blowing wind and occasional sleet bouncing off his wings.
Under the Covers
He relaxed and pushed, letting out another loud, bitter rasp. ben almost gagged as the heavy, bitter scent filled his small space under the covers, letting out a slight cough from the stink, "jesus tyler, you're so gross!"
Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 129
He kept his eye low to the ground, constantly taking in that scent, that foul, bitter scent of rotting flesh and putrid, puss-filled sores.