Dark Events, Dark Times: Prologue
Confused, i nearly question his actions before the implications of what we're about to do sinks in. he'll fair better without a coat on than i will with only one.
Superiority Chapter 8
You no doubt see the implications of this," replied the emperor, attempting to hide mixed waves of fear, and anger. "now, if you'll excuse me, i must ponder my reaction." "yes, your majesty," said the governor, before ending the call.
Project Godlike: Juli
Kelly stares in shock at what she sees and starts stuttering while thinking of the implications of someone who can do so easily and smoothly with the push of a button what takes the squad of six black rouges hours to put on.
Blindspot Dreams
_ that had disturbing implications he didn't want to think about. blindspot attempts to wrap himself in the comforting embrace of his long, thick clouded leopard's tail, longer than his body and as thick as his stubby muzzle.
Cow Appreciation 2
She shudders at the implication, imagining the gobbling not on her daughter but on herself. a husky voice calls out from the back when she heads out with her dessert baked and ready. "the gate's unlocked. come on around. i'm doing garden work!"
Willa's Adventure 4
A simple instruction, but with quite the implication behind it. unless the fox led her somewhere nearby, willa would be walking about nude in someone else's house. she's a bright tomato red at this point, hearing those words.
The Lucky Ones Left - Chapter 5
The implication in her voice prompts me to lean my chair back to peek under the table. the silent marten has a handgun hidden poorly between his legs. "oh shit!"
Third entry
It takes a while for hiredeki to realize the implications of this statement and he turns abruptly and shouts to his comrades. "out .... out of the barn!" his companions react quickly and come running out of the barn.
Bee Stories 4
The implications are as frightening as they are exciting. "our wax makes our colony strong," said the constructor bee, patting the last of the materials down. "it keeps us safe, and it houses all our materials."
A Saturday Night In 1924
Because sutton clearly caught the implication that he might be being used. and did not like it one bit. hackles raised, he stepped closer, past the boundaries of civil discourse. "maybe he figures that if anyone's gonna hide anything, it'd be a 'roo."
History Lesson 9
Tik tik, of course, remains stunned as her mind races at the implications of this new mandate. so, against the sea of exiting kobolds, tik tik wades forward, her eyes squarely upon the new queen.
Black Betty Part 2
It's an automatic reaction to the sheer size of the implications. "i've... i've been through this song and dance before," she spits. "it doesn't matter. what you're offering is not right. it isn't what i want, and it isn't what anyone needs."