What are some Kyruku customs?
But even more so that hospitality and kindness in kyruku culture is valuing the importance of secrets.
Handbook to Hellhound Cohabitation
It's important that you keep in mind that any discomfort you may experience is just a small bump in the long road of relationship development between you and your hellhound.
Public Opinion
"i keep trying to talk to you about it but you always say you have an important meeting." "fraily i can't be bothered with whatever you're mumbling about right now." whortleberry chided. "can't you see i'm in an important meeting?"
Stay Calm
And "important - read upon delivery!". it didn't feel very heavy in my paws. "wonder what it is," ken mused while staring curiously at the letter now held in my paws. "well let's see," i said.
Chapter 1 – Wuphym and Hynaalis
I really don't have to tell you, again, about how important this is to the whole--" "stop! please, just stop! i've been hearing nothing but 'important blah blah vital blah blah only one blah blah blah' for the last three seasons! have mercy!"
Nathanriel's Fate- Chapter 7
And more importantly what is in ossal that would prolong his life, never mind the issue of where ossal is in the first place?
Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 161
Banno tried to remember his name, but it didn't seem all that important. he was just another one of them. one of thousands. hundreds of thousands. all dead. all fake. all just pretending. he was so tired of this...
The Dark Blog: Submitting a novel
Your book is important to you. you can and should be enthusiastic about it. (writing a book is no joke. be proud of yourself for doing it!) but don't go overboard.
Bitterwall Stories - Foreword
Well at least i have started, but other projects got more important for me. what is bitterwall actually? bitterwall is a made up city in an alternative universe earth, where all the action takes place.
The Wanderer Part IV
He couldn't tell who it was, if it was a male or a female, he just suddenly knew this person was important. and then he saw, that to his right was something very important, yes he would have to get that. but this important person, the fire.
Chapter 3: Reveals
"besides, today is an important day!" she said, attempting to increase her pace. "wait- what do you- important day?" jason stammered as jennifer continued to tug him along. he finally gave in to her pushiness and began walking with her.
Who is Schyster Werkes?
They were now in charge, and there were important decisions to disagree on.