Newest Enforcer

Quickly, after doctor viper poured some chemicals on the soil some mutated plants began growing wildly. icy had no, clue that mutated plants could grow that quickly. the roots grew so big that they smashed the windows out.


The Great Lustful Plan, part 3

Avoiding breeding with their offspring in fear of mutations. but mutations were what'd brought them to this wonderful state. the humans, the dwarves, perhaps they underestimate the bliss brought on by them.

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Deep Space - Chapter 4, Logic

They radiate around the area, and a lot of things get caught and trapped there while the rest of your world mutates and destroys itself.



He had become more withdrawn from the team, more moody between mutation investigations. the fact that godzilla ad stolen him away for nights of... well, yeah.

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The Wastes (Teaser)

Two men, and some form of pack mule, probably mutated. he quickened his pace and then he saw them as he crested a hill.

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Fiery Twilight Chapter 1

"you seam like a smart filly. wanna help me study the mutation?" he never got a spoken answer. instead, twilight used her teleportation spell to bring him down to the lab to start her studies on this fascinating colt.

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Glacea Malfac's Challenge

Filling with dangerous creatures, mutated people, and perilous plant life. tariffs in the way of minerals, food, and conscripted soldiers were handed over to malfac's forces.

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Waiting For the Mayor

The only thing he could think of was that viper meant he intended to mutate them all. viper seemed to read his mind.

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The times, they are a changing chpt 1 & 2

"first of all, i doubt that everyone is going to survive the mutation, no matter if you use nanites or a retrovirus. that is going to leave you with either too man males or females."

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Prolonged Exposure May Cause...

"that's just the disease talking ax, somehow it has mutated when you cross-infected yourself with the tigress' stfd in order to try and fight the progress of your own.

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Bugging Out (6/10)

Unfortunately in order to escape detection from the intensive screenings they had been given there hadn't been a single piece of organic substance that had been integrated into them that could mutate them.

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