Forever Autumn: Shadows of Red and Silver- Part 1

The wolf pack was on the prowl tonight and her kind was the main target.

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WOLVES MIST - Chapter 2(.1)

"this is orwen another of the wolf pack and this is chris" everyone nodded their heads to him and he blinked back. "chris has caused some debate in the council and is a bit of an enigma.

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Twilight Eros Chapter 33

As in, your father is spencer silvermane, the owner of wolf pack magazine?" the twins gave a nervous chuckle at cindy's reaction. spec was the first to speak. "yeah, that's exactly what i'm saying. our parents own and run wolf pack."

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Twilight Eros Chapter 30

"turns out your new therapist is also shrinky dink from wolf pack." he stopped slicing upon hearing that information. he turned his head to face her with a curious look on his face. "you're kidding me right? gwen writes for wolf pack?"

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Learning to Love, Prologue and Chapter 1, Pomp and Circumstance

After another quarter mile the eleem finally fell, and the gray-wolf pack descended on it like... like a pack of wolves.

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Forge of Heroes - The Traitor

Probably for a local wolf pack. unless they're mounting a war party to attack us, we'll be fine. though, it's strange..." "what is?" kytra asked, sitting up on his bedroll.

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S1 Ep25 Meeting Amber Again

It was at sunset as amber's siblings and artemis's wolf pack were hanging out with each other leaving amber and artemis alone together. just talking.

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Thursday Prompt (Ruin)

She could smell a feral wolf pack on the wind. she had to leave now. shouldering her bag she crept back to the cliff wall. at least wolves couldn't climb well.

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aleu new dad part 1

Aleu then sits outside the cave then howls for jenna and howls to the pack that a new pup was born the wolf pack then howls as the dawn awakes. meanwhile with raven and jenna raven here's aleu howl then he wakes jenna up and says'' um jenna jenna wake up someone

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I am the patriarch of the western lupine packs. after finding that sight outside my village's walls, we marched to war." he took the first attack, the savage blade in his hands easily knocking the child's sword to the side.

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aleu and taku:new pup and the big fight

This is part one to a new story aleu has a new pup witch i will draw and show u guys and this north pack comes to take there home wat will happen stay cool and bye :3 the sun was shining and the birds chirp and the wolf pack run free.

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