Taunted (Chapter 6 of my YuGiOh series)

The dragon growled angrily and activated his duel disc. "enough words, duel me you cur!" jack sighed, and activated his duel disc as well, seeing no other options out.

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Chapter 17: outbreak part 2/ ascension

"the self destruct activated when that power conduit blew." naomi said. "is there any way to de-activate it?" volteer asked.

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Vari Points of View and Mindset - Beta

It has also been observed that the mate of the said vari will also wish to participate in the activity, though no reason why has been concluded. all vari understand the significance of this circle and the activities and freedom that comes with it.

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The Guilded Cage, Ch 7

Quarter, and that was where his nest was active-- not exactly a pleasant result.

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A Cat Among the Stool-pigeons. Ep4

If threatened with deadly force by any target agency, active protection of these non-target individuals is strongly advocated, even before activation, but secondary to the overall mission.

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Beast's & Crystal Beast's Vs Hero's & Synchro's part 2

"next i activate monster reborn. to bring back my master of oz. now that the field is cleared, attack matt directly." her master of oz punched matt. he fell to one knee. our lp:6300 harvey's lp:1500 "next i activate card destruction."

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Beasts and Crystal Beast VS Heros and Synchros Part 2

"next i activate monster reborn. to bring back my master of oz. now that the field is cleared, attack matt directly." her master of oz punched matt. he fell to one knee. our lp:6300 harvey's lp:1500 "next i activate card destruction."

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A Treatsie on Aether and Magic

To open the gate, one must activate the key in their hand, which is similar to casting a spell (nearly anyone can activate an enchanted object, depending one's aptitude for magic and the complexity of the enchantment).


A Quick Short

Sakura activated her dueldisk and stood ready as jason did the same. "now, i will show u the power of mecha kaiju, let's duel!"

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Playtesting Chapter 1

"first i'll activate my charge of the light brigade, milling 3 cards to add ryko lightsworn hunter to my hand. then i'll activate a second to add lyla lightsworn sorceress.

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Jeremy 048; Dominic

"too bad." he said as he activated the next command. the jaguar grew slowly. the crow noticed almost instantly. the cat doubled in size within five seconds and continued growing larger.

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