The Lost Ship:To Make A New Hive

Well that quiet all changed during a meteor shower but apparently one meteor crashed right into the middle of the forest.

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Golden Legacy chap1

Akkran's sanctum houses the magic holy and voll is where meteor went after the elemental jewels were taken from the sanctum in merrnia kingdom which is now in ruins.

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Sex Zombies from Outer Space

"maybe the meteor knocked out cell service and they're helping people?" he offered, neither looking like the idea eased their minds any. "look, it's just a meteor these things happen all the time.

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#48 of commissions a man finds a meteor that houses an alien orgasm, who trades symbiosis for the gift of the werewolf form that the man had been craving all his life! colin sighed.

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Moments later the meteor shower has begun. ten looked up at the sky, leaning back with his hands behind his head. each meteor that fell gleamed in his eyes, letting go of the stars that held them back.

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The legend of a warrior; Chapter 30: Glacial - Towards Sangin

And talon fired the three meteors blindly, without managing to track the target, firing with the mauser gun as well as he snarled in fury...

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ch 21 wrath of the devil

A moment later, countless large rocks began to rain down from the strange distortion as the salamence unleashed draco meteor. ash gulped, "just my luck. an opponent that can summon a meteor shower."

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Lucario and the aftermath, teaser

As i begin to see more clearly, i notice the blue sky, the fluffy clouds, then suddenly inside my field of vision i spot a meteor falling a fair distance away, my mind snapped, it was clear now what had happened.

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Lucario and the Aftermath: Prologue

Then suddenly inside my field of vision i spot a meteor, luckily falling a fair distance away. my mind then snapped. i think about how lucky i must have been to not get hit, nothing short of a miracle.

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Virtual Duels Intro

"they said it was a stupid move to throw that meteor." my dad commented. "what were you doing then, anyway?" "experimenting." i explained. "how else was i gonna find out he was wearing hephaestus' cape?"

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Another Day

It was apparent that they did have the power to launch small meteors, steel was quick enough to raise his shield, but that was far from enough.

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Kurt: imprisonment

A meteor falls 70 feet from kurt and sends shrapnel everywhere which sends a nice sized rock hurling at hurt and smashes into his head knocking him out. /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\

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