The Bronx vs. The Bayou - Part 1

**AUTHOR'S NOTE:** This story is a commission request from the user Naga Shark. This user has been a great supporter and dear friend to me. Like most days, the home of Martin and Olivia McGregor was filled with the sounds of their one dozen folf...

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Zootopia: The Wilde Bunch - Part 3 - Saturday Shooting

It was the first Saturday of April in Zootopia, and the weather could not have been more pleasant for early Spring. The sun shown bright in the cloudless sky, sending warm rays down upon the city. Animals moved about the town, shopping, going to movie...

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Other Options - Part 8

It was just my luck that there were no cameras pointed in the direction of my car when they were slashed by Jasmine, and without video footage of her committing the act, or eye witness testimony, I couldn't do from a legal standpoint. The police told...

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Move It On Over

If ever there was a time that Hank Griswwald enjoyed more than any other, it was Friday evening. The Siberian Husky always made sure to enjoy himself after work; usually by having a drink or ten, but he still had to be careful not to end up hungover...

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How Sandy Met Robbie - Part 7

The next few days of school were pure torture for Sandy and Robbie. After their parents had told them that they could go over to Ethan's house Friday after school, and that they would be thrilled to meet his father and his boyfriend, the boys could...

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How Sandy Met Robbie - Part 6

Sandy had been given permission by his parents to have the bus driver drop him off at Robbie's house on the same day that the two of them had first met Ethan Ellsworth. Richard and Rachael Atkins were not home, so the boys had the house all to...

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Big Sister's Slumber Party

The school bus had almost finished the afternoon route for that Friday. As usual, the kids were loud and rowdy, knowing that the weekend was upon them. By this time though, the noise had been reduced to the bus engine and the clanking sounds the large...

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Weekend at Mr. Ratburn's - Part 1 of 3

**AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is Part one of a three part series that shows Buster Baxter and Nigel Ratburn from the famous "Arthur" cartoon series. This series contains extreme content, so before you send me nasty messages about how I've ruined your...

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Redwall: Hotter With an Otter

Mattimeo grumbled in irritation as he scrubbed away at the kitchen pots and pans. Here it was, another nice summer day, and he was left to menial tasks like cleaning! It wasn't fair. Things like scrubbing pots and pans should be left to the older Abbey...

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Fantastic Mr. Fox: Three Foxes Are Better Than Two - Part 3

After a week of Kris and Ash helping their immigrant friend Archie catch up with his U.S. History, the work was finally over. It had been a grueling process of spending almost every spare minute of their time after school helping him write papers, take...

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Stripes & Spots

So, let me try and explain to everybody how this whole thing started. To start off with, my named is Joel Norton. I'm a twenty-one year old tiger who ran away from home right after I graduated. Don't feel bad for me, at all. The truth is I'd been...

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Fantastic Mr. Fox: Three Foxes Are Better Than Two - Part 2

Ash, Kris and Archie were enjoying their lunch time at school. The three friends always sat together at that time, never wanting to be too far away from one another. Kris and Ash had made a concerted effort to get to know Archie better--much better!...

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