Past Sins
He remembered when he learned that truth the hard way, back when he was so foolish as to think the capital city was the only one to hide away the scourge of society in shame.
Motivations are now aggravations, what was wise has become foolish, did the bird just lost its wings, did the wings get clipped? or did he grow new ones? or are new ones still evolving?
Unloved longing in my heart my soul crushed and broken being passed around and laughed new tears appearing every day....more and more tattered what remains becomes... the thing i seek long eluding me forever hiding locked away just out of foolish
The Lonely Dragon
"seem foolish." "maybe so, but it's the way it is. now, get a fire going so i can cook this before i starve. nuts and berries are no way for a warrior to live."
Chapter 56: Coming Home
Keme could tell she wanted to kiss him, but it would have been foolish: in the distance, a group of armed summer wolves had approached the escort.
A Life of Adventure, Chapter Two (Dark Shadows Gather)
The youngest man, still standing foolishly before the portal, glared arrogantly at the great daemon for a moment longer.
Chapter VI: Silence
My once fine clothes hung about me in rags, and perhaps they though me some foolish old beggar not worth the effort of robbing. a large soldier of some low breed or another had stood at the door to the cabin.
The Waning of the Raining of the Storm
Eddie knew that, even if his method for going about fixing it was foolish. it can't be helped that maggie was equally foolish. both of them still had a lot of learning to do."maria stood. "i agree. i am too old to care about what the world views me as.
Unwelcome Dinner Guests
"if he's foolish enough to come back with reinforcements, just _imagine_ the fun we'll have..."
The Battle Against Macijin
**" " **are you another paltry mercenary, sent here by some foolish king who thinks he can _buy_ his way out of this conflict? i'll see that you meet the same fate as all of those who came before you!
Summoning Trouble
Juren might not have been ready for the spell, but ash is going to wait for him to be ready to fill in for his date...and he's got plenty of demonic magic to help the foolish sorcerer along! - commissions are open!
On Hallowed Grounds
"now, foolish child. because you have presented yourself so eagerly to your punishment, i give you a chance. you will run, and my loyal hounds will give chase at my word.