Jack: Rexi and Talon -- 01 Talon

I petition the court to grant me possession of talon allondre as forfeit in settlement in full." "what? no!" "unless you have some way to pay master guille ..." talon shook his head, no. "then it is so ordered. i'll have the paperwork ..."

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Prologue part 2

There it was petitioned that a group be taken out to help lift the log off and carry the body back into the village. she was left there on the lap of the elder umbreon, shadowshroud.

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File #2

"we could have petitioned the romulan government to release the terrorist to us. your aggressive charge across the neutral zone has already made that an impossibility!"

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Brother's Bonds

He was so small compared to me, having a petit body and not weighing much. i placed him on my bed and took off his shirt, gus helped me take off mine, then we kissed. it been so long since we last kissed, i forgot how happy it makes me feel.

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The alpha nathan has petitioned for you but you must show your willingness to abide by the rules before we grant his request. do you understand?"

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Blood & Carrots: Silverpaw - Episode 17

I and elias looked upon one another and nodded before he spoke out pointedly, "i humbly petition my sister, gloria, for the sake of both our families and the world." i thrust a hand out as i spoke, "i petition my mother rachel.

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The Fantastic Mishaps of the Pussy with a Pussy - Chapter 2.2

But he was still attentive, unable to tear his eyes away from the petit body that no doubt hid under the mass of blankets.

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Sally and Antoine Midnight Meeting-4

She sees stars and feels eternity creeping upon her as antoine prepares to grant her the gift of la petit mort. antoine breaks the kiss. it's too much for him to handle.

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Fury in the Pheasant's Wings

Yes, all the humans in the village had been quietly awaiting this moment, petitioning the king of the universe to end this drought and they were not alone in their petitons.

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The cat's new squeak toy.

The petit mouse poked her head in through the doorway. "well that's what happens when you work at a coffee shop." she grumbled. beth made her way into the living room. her attitude quickly changed from tired to angry. "what the hell!?

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La protectrice de sasha ch 1 pt 2

"je sais pas trop je me suis réveilla et j'avais un petit mal de tête mais sa a empirer." repondit sasha. lorenzo êtait surpris. "euh justin... latias a eut la même chose que toi ce matin et sa a aussi empirer" disa lorenzo.

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Le Salon de Petite Morte - Chapter 2

Disclaimer: As ever, I don't own anything. Actually, not quite true, I own quite a lot of things. I don't own My Little Pony, however. I don't own any of the characters who are mentioned with the exception of Redhat, my OC. I do own the laptop I wrote...

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