One Little Game
#31 of shrinking/micro raffle reward for pikakipz1 for helping lockely reach affiliate on twitch. alex and calex play a board game where they shrink down to be the game pieces and transform as the game goes on.
Thirteen Karmic Tales: Eleventh Tale
He was shrinking, and now stuck somewhere in his own clothes. after a few seconds he tried to move. climbing out of oversized underwear and pants only left him trapped beneath a mountain sized shirt. he did his best to struggle to get out of that.
Why Not Be a Little Kid?
That included the button to activate this large shrink ray.
The double date (Fanfic Commission)
After high school was over, life was proving to be challenging, but not so difficult. Haru and Legoshi managed to form an adorable couple together, and they were working hard to maintain it. Surprisingly, the relationship between a carnivore and a...
Tiny Kittens At Play
They became so absorbed in the fight neither one cared as they continued to shrink smaller and smaller. zeelo managed to pin calex down atop the back of an amoeba...
Thirteen Tales (2019): Fourth Tale
And he started to shrink again! "wait! what's going on!?" it wasn't just a reduction in size though... his body was becoming rounder... and his limbs and legs shorter compared to his torso! he was getting younger!
Furry Sandwich
((This is a commission for Makuta. It contains soft oral vore with unwilling prey and fatal digestion, as well as f/m and macro micro.)) Furry Sandwich Makuta wasn't sure how he had gotten here. The last thing he remembered was walking down...
My dick is shrinking! it's shrinking!" he panted, his dark eyes wide as he kept pumping away at his dwindling dick. it was shrinking, the entire big black shaft starting to pull back toward his body.
Kobold's Desk Pet
"aww, we're not _that_ little," the kobold teased, "but you _will_ be by the time you finish shrinking..." wait, you were still shrinking? it certainly seemed that way, given that you were now chest height to the kobold.
All Aboard the Cushy Express!
He had spent two whole months inside the leopard, his cock shrinking ever so slowly inside the tight rubber sheathe. the sheep giggled and began carrying him over to a pillar in the middle of the car with hoses trailing off of it.
Movie Night
Jei had convinced him to take a shrinking potion in order to get the movie he had dropped. being who he was, pat couldn't refuse.
Small Savannah Rivalry
The reason sarabi wasn't any shorter than her now despite so much time already having passed wasn't that sarabi had inexplicably stopped shrinking. no, the truth was far worse. somehow they were now both shrinking!