Demiurge/Reader Chapter 4

It's the only thing preventing you swiveling around and fleeing like the hounds of hell are on your heels when you lay eyes upon the lord of the tomb.

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Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Route 12, 13 and 14

The next opponent was a bird keeper, who sent out doduo and i sent out graveler, who used rock tomb to wrap the battle up. the second pokemon sent out was a pidgeotto and graveler used rock tomb again and won the battle.

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Drifting Down the Loire with Da Vinci

We are from far away, and after learning about there being more rings, i thought that maybe there would be a hint somewhere at your tomb." "a hint at my tomb? why would i do that?

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Jasmine's Twisted Wish [Mini-Fic]

The torchlight within the tomb highlighted a glittery texture upon her rich, dusky skin and within her long, dark hair.

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the iron wolf chapter 1 part 2

They built a tomb out of the rift, set his coffin inside, and began covering it all the while a piper droning powerful funeral song. before they covered the tomb, inile set a small wooden totem he carved years earlier on the coffin in respect.

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Cobra Crypt

The woman said, "they said there was nothing here, but this looks like a lost tomb." she lifted her torch to illuminate the small chamber. a man stepped into the room behind her with a quiet gasp. "this is amazing, camille."

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The Loot of a Lifetime

It takes place during the events of the 5th edition dungeons and dragons adventure, "tomb of annihilation." :3 **the loot of a lifetime** '_beyond the laughing gorge_ and the nine gods' tomb, south of ash and smoke and the night serpent's womb,

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The King of Ashes

The tomb dated from the second era, so there was a good chance to find valuable artifacts. but that wasn't the problem. teryx felt out of place.

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Chapter 2 - Pen#28

The two come to a doorway leading out into a dusty hallway with many other doorways leading to different areas, dusty rooms and silent tombs were they shared thoughts of the pups.

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The Outlander 3 38

Orlando then wiped the sweat from his brow before hanging up his apron and making his way to the tomb of his predecessor, lord brocktree. inside was the old monk tin-jin and his aides.

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But before the curse sinks in too far micheal grabs an amulet from the tomb and runs. the amulet blesses micheal with immortality, but nothing more than that.

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Esilym: Lost

If it was a tomb for the dead then why is it so well hidden?" sadavi asked. the platform stopped at temple's door. chalakdoluv doors were commonly wider than they were tall to accommodate wings.

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