Eilien and Jay: Wild Horses

"why just change your fur color when you can change so much more?" the original jay asked and turned to his clones. "show her what i mean." he said with a smile and the other jays noded in unisen and started to change.

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Penal 2

Ya make a new skin, add in fur color and species, different abilities. sure, it looks different; but it's still just a model the core moves around.

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Master of Aura Chapter Eight

"that's...different, my species can speak to humans...anyways, there's nothing wrong with your fur color, just because you're different from others doesn't mean you should hate it." "really? it hasn't done anything for me but make me hate myself."

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Cowgirl City Chapter 3- Shopping with the Herd

Most of them had fur colors i'd traditionally seen on cows; black and white, and a couple of light and dark browns as well.

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Is love enough?

"(i've never seen my fur color like this for a long time. i thank you...) she lowered head in shame, feeling truly guilty that she intended to rob such a charitable soul earlier.

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Ch 3. Lost and found

I pointed at my fur color and tail. "i'm a waling paint can gone wrong. and it looks like someone wanted to pull my tail out but stopped halfway though! i'm a walking freakshow!" i was angry.

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Lore: Vulpeculan Principalities

Although the red or orange fur coloring is the most common among the species, other colors are also present.

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Sem & Kiyara

Even they're starkly differing fur colors seemed to meld, as they came together. and came together.

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Planet of Magic chap 2

As he did so, his fur color changed slightly brighter. "how much magic can one person merge with?" asked anya. "it is believed magic is the life force of this planet and when one merges with magic, they merge with the planet's life itself.

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A strange way to get into the New Years

Interesting new years the clock ticked as a cute red nose pit-bull lay on her back, her blue eyes blinking at the darkened sky, her spot around her eye with that was tan fit perfectly with her white fur color.

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I Used To Howl Alone

I would visit him even when it wasn't a very intelligent thing to do, wolves of my fur color weren't so openly accepted in his family, but he defended me, protected me, loved me.

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Dexter & Lacey: Day of Despair

The 11 year old husky turned white, even beyond her natural fur color. "lacey... i feel so bad... i-i don't think i can leave you," the black wolf took deep breaths as he sobbed, embracing his best friend who sat before him.

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