Sorcery.Net: Into AltWorlds
"And so that's how you use AltWorlds in a nutshell!" Deign finished. The help daemon's somewhat long winded spiel had touched on the basics, but she was in the dark about the more advanced features, all of which Will was essentially foaming at the...
Venom, Episode 7
I open my eyes and find myself seated on a throne. I looked over my beautiful body and delight in the changes to it from the last scenario. Apparently I'm some sort of powerful wyrm-serpent, with draconic wings stretching out behind me, and a head...
Aretia - 001
**Diese Serie enthält Inhalte, die nicht für Minderjährige geeignet sind. Um diese Storyserie legal lesen zu dürfen, ist ein Alter von 18 Jahren oder höher erforderlich.** Sämtliche Inhalte dieser Storyserie CC-BY-NC-SA 2010 DracoAureus. Siehe auch:...
the big battle
Note: I got digimon world dusk on Friday before Easter, when I almost finished this chapter, and I finished it! That last boss was too easy, my digimon thrashed it, and the boss was lv99 when my digimon was around lv40-50. My team was crescemon, etemon...
Tikana vs Mayve 3
A metallic muscle presses itself into tikana, a saliva-like substance lubing up the tongue and lashing up into the half-dragon's body. tikana reaches down and grabs at the back of the robot's head, pushing her up against her body.
Tikana vs Mayve 1
The Tournament of Pleasure is coming soon. I have been charged by the angel Hanioc to find the competitors in whatever corner of the world that they hide. I will bring them to the field of their battle. Hanioc provided me with the tools of the divine,...
Fire and Ice: The return of Pyron Part 1 of 2
Prolog September 2037 inside the biosphere at Times Square cellblock 13: one of the research staff that is forced to work for the Counsel walk to Pyron's cell. As the human opens the cell door Pyron slams the man into the wall, takes his gun...
Blood Red: Chapter Ten: Work Never Ends
Time: 19:45pm. Year: 2245, January 12th. Location: Club Phymn, Room 172. It had barely taken us an hour to get back to the Club, which was surprising considering the vehicle we were in looked like it took a dozen bricks to its front; either...
Blood Red: Chapter Nine: Old Faces (part 3)
Time: 18:25pm. Year: 2245, January 12th. Location: New Vega Under-Highway. Elle and I slowly began to circle around the Feral Fox in opposite directions, quickly, yet carefully and gently, drawing one leg over the other as we navigated along the...
Kingdom Hearts: Shadows of Birth - Chapter 5
**Shadows of Birth Chapter Five - A Dragon's Bond** After several hours of flight, Consus soon stood just outside the wide forest. It was too thick to try to get in from the top, so the old fashioned way would have to do. Stepping into the musky...
New Beginnings
My first story and not likely to be my last. Just a short story that stemmed from a random thought and I ran with it. Hope you all enjoy! All Characters are copyright to...
Chapter 10- actions show what words can't / Alls fair in love and war
Heya, hope that your enjoying this, if you haven't already then i command that you read the stories by yiff dragon, frostdragon and Kroqgar. Couldn't decide between the two titles Plz be 18 or over to read and have fun ^o^/ Chapter 10-...