H.S.T Sophomore Year Ch 7
Warning: 18+ Naughty Stuff It was Halloween and almost everyone was wearing a costume in school, everyone except Mike Gardner. He was too busy with his nose in a book, doing research on the witch trials Mrs. Jones had suggested they do a paper on...
Finding the Wrong Drake
Finding the Wrong Drake It was hard being a female gryphon in heat in this region of the world. It was nice that the rarity of the species meant the locals practically worshipped gryphons and often held them above as though they truly were the kings...
Des Zauberers Stab - 26 / Wanderschaft
Es verwundert mich doch Woche um Woche wieder, wenn ich einen weiteren Teil geschafft habe. Das Finale ist zwar noch längst nicht erreicht, linst aber bisweilen über den Horizont. Ehrlich, ich hätte nie gedacht dass ich überhaupt soweit komme. Danke...
Lovers in Aurora - The New Trick
_commissioned by Lynneth_ _ _ It was Ione's fourth day in Aurora and the cheetah was ecstatic. There was so much to see, so much to learn everywhere! Their time since their arrival was spent exploring Aurora Airfield and getting acquainted with the...
you will be the bitch now: lights, camera, action (prequel)
you will be the bitch now: lights, camera, action (prequel) i sat down in the plastic chair in front of the web cam and forced a smile, my golden fur matted with all sorts of liquids, semen, urine, alcohol and other assorted things... my coat, filthy...
Des Zauberers Stab - 8 / Die Augen des Zauberers
Eine weitere Woche, ein weiteres Stück. Bin wirklich gespannt, ob das alles hier noch Sinn ergibt wenn ich damit fertig bin. :-) Bis dahin wie gehabt, nur für Leutz ab 18 und bitte fleißig kommentiern Des Zauberers Stab - 8 (eine pöse...
Never Forgets - Adult Dumbo Series - 1/5
# Never Forgets ## Dumbo x The OTHER Elephants _Let's face it... those bitch elephants had it coming and no doubt when the Ringmaster realised how useful a grown bull like Dumbo would be in creating an army of flying elephants... he'd been thinking...
Morning Routine 5
"i will now insert the apparatus into the desired location." ginger said, trying to keep as clinical a tone and mind as possible. after all, these videos were for her own notes, in case she wanted to improve upon the design further.
Never Forgets - Adult Dumbo Series - END
# Five: Sassy Lady There were rumbles of confusion amongst the herd... everything that had happened with Giddy had startled them as the humans had not yet shut up about it. Where Catty's humiliation had been minor, the fact that the crows...
Finding the Alpha Wolf: Chapter Four, Beth's Claim
**Chapter Four:** After spending a bouncy and rough ride in what sounded like a car, Snake could tell his temporary bed had succumb to the chaos. The washcloth beneath him was growing slightly damp from his water bowl tipping over and peanuts were...
_Elephant Tricks
Erin stretched with a yawn and then proceed to scratch at her ear as she read the bulletin board. This late on a Friday, there was not a lot to do. The bulletin board was, thus, rather sparse. She scanned her eyes over the board again and made up a...
Frost, dark and cold in the night, blows off from an outstretching branch. A chilled gust whips around the snow covered oak that stands in the dark forest with its brethren, bordering a clearing where a hunt will soon come to its climax... A...