I don't want to set the world on fire
Now the heat and work were a friend, a simplistic form of labor that kept my mind in working order unlike many of the young ones who'd lost it and tried to climb the wall before getting 5 bullets in the back at once.
Fentilus Kapitel 1: Die Vorgeschichte
Als die sonne bereits ziemlich tief steht, kommt der wolf endlich zum versteckten labor zurück und gibt seinem lehrmeister die von ihm angeforderten zutaten.
2020-05-23 Comfort Companion
Any kind of difficult labor would break those shoddy repairs and render her useless. "recycling," the slave mistress declared, ignoring the screams as the 'mon was dragged away.
glowing [danganronpa] pt 4
Izuru watched as gundham continued to labor, a new kitten emerging every few hours, following the same routine.
Claude goes to foal
Claude's labor began while travis fucked him very aggressively, and the lion came when travis did, and immediately went into labor. but travis stayed proudly by his side during the long labor and difficult birth.
the birth of a angel."prolougue
Every so often she would lick her paws as the labor pains grew and grew. suddenly she began to whimper as she was going into labor. she began to give birth. her first few pups came out white but with strange coloring upon their fur.
intertwined. part two
Fuyuhiko's showing the characteristic restlessness that tells peko, from all the reading she's been doing, that active labor is probably close to starting.
Legion of Sytarel - Ch. 5: Formation of the Legion
Only the most skilled craftsmen and labourers remain to oversee the korcyn slaves. not a single ounce of it shall be wasted on labour. leave it to the filthy boars.
Karma for Sil
But it wasn't too long before she began to labor on the second egg and once again, scream out in agony. while this female was laboring on eggs, the large dracian male was still thrusting his penis into the female in front of him.
Dhryn and the Warhound (part 1)
"she went into labour just after he left, and such matters are normally left for his eyes alone, and those close to him. we thought we could manage . . .but we called you to be sure." dhryn nodded. "wise," he agreed, before turning to the crowd.
Zion: Light of the New Moon Part 2, Ch 1.3 Shrad
D) any two from among the remaining: male human laborer, male ram laborer, male raven translator, female human laborer, female deer laborer, or female goat burned-out mystic seer. 2) inform the slavers that, as envoys from shrad the party is exercising
Zion: Light of the New Moon, Ch 1.3. Myrh
I began reeling the laborer in as quickly as i could.