Drew Janglings and the Transfer from Magical Fantasy to Real Magic
"drew" stood up, then, still wearing the same clothes as before, but "his "new frontal assets, as well as plush tail, added a whole new element of promise and magic to the "real world" now.
A Magical Means to Find a Mate
Will the magic lead her to her perfect man, or does fate have something else in mind?
Magic Fantasies: The Way of Water
#1 of magic fantasies part 1 of 'magic fantasies'. this will be a new series, featuring all the sexual exploits the mages of celeste get up to.
Plot idea: Dark Magic
"don't you see the beauty in my magic? the feelings it can bring you?
Playing With Magic- Ch2- Dreams
#2 of playing with magic =^.^= the light that managed to find its way through the canopy of leaves didn't do much to light up the path before him, but he couldn't slow down. the glowing red eyes behind him were slowly getting closer.
Taking of Magic: New Generation
He could nod and shake his head, but he didn't have the magic that he should have possessed to form speech. in that way, he was like his sire, though he didn't think so.
MLP hoarding is magic by rosedust
It was a nice day in Ponyville. Twilight Sparkle was walking home from visiting her friends when she passed a house with some stuff sitting outside. A yard sale. It couldn't hurt to take a little time to check it out. Twilight looked through the...
MLP hoarding is magic by mugman
It was a nice day in pony Ville, twilight was walking from visiting her friends when she past a home with some stuff outside. She looked and saw some books, twilight asked how much and they where 7 bits the lot, she brought them all. Upon getting...
Taking of Magic: Beyond Redemption
He knew by their chants that they must be putting the magic barriers onto the stall, but he couldn't feel it changing.
Tony's Room - Magic Nines
I can teach you the magic 9's formula." "magic 9's?" trevor said skeptically. tony smiled, "yeah," he said, biting into his sandwich, "we can make it a game." he winked. trevor smiled and wagged his tail.
Do You Believe in Magic.
But how did you get magic?" she asked him. greg chuckled, scooting up next to his parents. "that's a story for another time.
Cave Drawer and the Magical Tablet
He looked underneath the pillow and there was the magical tablet waiting for him. he thought to himself, "how can this be? i didn't lose a tooth last night and when i lose a tooth i usually get a dollar."