Scy-zing up the Differences

Jason watched the magikarp flop around both in and out of the water, laughing every time one of the semi intelligent creatures shored themselves, if they were close, he kicked them back into the water.

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Rebuilding Relations IV

But now as adults, they'd grown curves, especially the feraligatr, that attracted mnemuth to him like a magikarp to water. his tongue fell out of his mouth and he just had to give the large hindquarters a lick.

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The Journey chapter 2: Route 1

Leon saw a magikarp jumping out of the water a few meters down river. 'will you be ok here?' paul asked. 'sure! thank you for everything.' paul was about to take off when leon stopped him. 'can i ask you something?' 'sure.' he replied.

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No Light to be Seen: Chapter 5

Bleu will do anything it takes and could care more about a bloody dying magikarp than i do about punishment" during the last bit bleu screamed with all she had as she slammed the cheaply made stool against the floor hard enough to shatter said object and cause

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The Human Species Ch. 71 - Abandoned Pokémon Stadium

The old lady down the block would've flipped had she seen something as small as a magikarp splash up on land..." "i haven't talked to anyone, i just got here. they just made things up..."

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Arc 1 - Ephraim - 7: The Seasons Past

Daryl and robin laughed at that quip, remembering how ephraim had fouled up his trip to the fishing fleet by catching the rigging of their boat, not the magikarp they were aiming for, and causing the entire vessel to tip spectacularly into the water.

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Of course, there wasn't much complaining one could do when offered a free pokémon; it wasn't as bad of a deal as buying a magikarp 200 pokédollars, but he could definitely do better than something as run-of-the-mill as a raticate.

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Where There's Mutto, There's A Way

He was reeled in like a magikarp, prompting him to try and slow things down with his wings, but it was no good. and soon, he was being dangled over the river like it was a death sentence.

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Adamant 03: Deep Sensations

Lucky for me the water was free, because i must have drank enough to drown a magikarp. once i didn't feel so dried up, i realized i still had a thirst for something else. kai had to be the luckiest pokemon in the world.

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Same Locker Room

"he's pretty big," he commented as if he was comparing the sizes of two magikarp. aaron could tell. burner filled his mouth up well, but spines had his jaw as wide as he could, and even then he could only take in so much.

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Cinder and Bone, Chapter 2

These thoughts coursed through his mind like so many magikarp in a too-small tank, all whilst he observed the steady breathing of his object of...desire? interest. that was a better word, probably. his breathing seemed slow, calm...comfortable.

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Sibling Rivalry

Berries, some magikarp, a number of spearow; the old, weathered electric-type was an ace hunter of the water and flying types of the island. but the two poochyenas were growing older - and this year, they were going to have to fight for themselves.

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