Into the Green Jungle
Tall crude structures with red roof tiles, encircled by wooden walls. and beyond it spread the ocean, as far as the eye could see.
White Room Stage 3 / Part 1
"oh and a sense of humor, though crude at best." the voice cooed. zak focused on the voice it only struck him now that it was female. "who are you where am i!" he demanded as he turned his head in the direction he thought the voice was.
He crouched down behind a refuse bin, silently drawing a crude knife from his pocket.
Stone Mask (485 Words)
The wolf's opponent turning and staring, a crude laugh escaping her. "men should know their place, but a leper man, there is no place for that." she growled. without the mask, the wolf's rotting face had been revealed.
Food Chain: Praise be to Hector
The work was grueling, even with our enhanced bodies, and the results were crude. the wood we had was all salvaged from whatever was laying on the ground. it was warped, crooked, and it needed to be carved.
A Conflict of Minds
"not necessarily so crude a definition--but less castigation for resemblance of the opposite gender. you would think it would kindle less separation and enmity between and even among the sexes.
Halo: FUBAR Chapter 07 - Objects in mirror
_ i couldn't help smile, flipping by dmr over, holding it by the barrel and swinging it around like a crude baseball bat. carried with the momentum of our moving 'hog, the butt of my rifle slammed into an elite's face.
haunted by the past
It was the witching hour, nothing so crude as midnight of course. anyone can be a witch at midnight under a full moon. it was past 3 am and he had been awoken by a hand on his shoulder, shaking him urgently.
Joining the Team
Like a switch, the bookish, prudish ron that brandon knew and loved had vanished, replaced with a crude, dumb facsimile of what he once was.
Kalderan Forest: Hawkwind Pass Part 3
This bull in particular, however, was more than crude and verbal when he was in the mood, and no surprise was issued for what he said. darkthorn pounded himself into the bull roughly, giving exactly what the bull had asked for.
Priyanka's Caffeinated Coffee Consumption Chaos!
The doc finished before another crude belch parted her lips like the red sea, this time having twice the length, volume, and potency. "this is ridiculous. it must be the **_\*cccoooffffffeeeeee!
Unpaid Overtime
One leg ended in a crude, jointed prosthesis, another appeared to have the end of a jackhammer attached to the stump.