Sinon Bullseye Bio
Two legs covered in black furr with glowing blue tatto like lines on hips and the sides of his upper legs. deer like black shying hoefs. the torso is flat chested but the nipples can be seen through the furr.
The Merrin, part 16
Its upper body is two sections, one with four arms attached, the other with four legs attached. all have four joints and four digits at the end arranged like xs.
interior/exterior of haven
The upper dorms are for those not fond of vampires and don't wish to be bothered during the day by anything but other sun worshipers and the like, the upper dorms runs almost the entire second floor and contains a few hundred rooms, more than enough to keep
Mist's Day with Sam
The dragon's belly and upper thighs got greeted by sam's tongue as well. sam rubs over the bulge in his throat and chest mist is making.
A Dragon's Seat
On his first day, cryotix had flapped his wings hard enough to give him a good jump to the upper floor but the resulting gust of wind got him in trouble.
The upper member pressed against her forehead, its liquids wetting the fur on her face. carla squealed gleefully when her master came for her.
Touch (Yourself) Typing: Freebies Vol. 60
When shi leaned up far enough, shi could maneuver hir upper body so that hir cock shoved right between hir torso's breasts.
Stone and Wolf (Part 9)
A pain glimmered in his upper spine, but more than that, he felt like vomiting. he was brought back to reality when the minotaur shouted at him. "get off! get off!"
Pulling a Double
After completing work on the coyote's upper body dave soon moved his attentions south, adding a little extra massage oil to his hands to quicken the softening of serling's lower torso before finally moving down to his legs and tail.
Uvuzi and Caeru (skunkette lamia/dragon vore)
Or rather, down her body, for other than fur fluffed out against the cold and a serpent-shaped armband on one upper arm she was naked and definitely female.
The Hungry House
Briggs hoisted up his upper legs, that thick, long body was already lodged so firmly into the human's tight gullet that wolfie didn't even wobble. those long legs within arms reach.
Disposable Teens (Halloween Contest Story 2/2)
Creating indoor balconies for the upper floors to look down upon, as if the living room were almost a building's lobby of sorts.