H&DP: Junkfood Dog

In the beginning dominic was a slender, fearsome doberman, happily punching the antique clock for the first time. he settled into his job with ease, happily strolling around and looking at cars he could only dream of owning.

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Prison Cell (Thursday Prompt 23/8/12)

An antique clock that never holds the right time. a filing cabinet with every paper i've ever gotten since college organized by date, subject, and then alphabetically. finally my eyes drift to the spirits pantry. only imported beverages.



Perhaps the scarab that he had stolen from the egyptian museum of antiquities had something to do with it; mark had offended the gods of ancient egypt by this act, and now was cursed to be trapped in an infernal labyrinth from which he would never escape

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The Story of Alhaven

The awful pitter patter of lifeblood spilled, dark crimson soaking into the very root of the antique wood! drip drip drip! why!? why such a crime must fall to this retired place, this decrepit temple of craft and brine. drip. drip. drip.

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Shift: Stalling 3rd

I pushed the antique car to 5th and had to lower it once i hit the turn. the tires squealed and the front right was nearly off the road. i was being reckless but i didn't care, i wasn't going to let some thief take what i earned not a day ago.

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Geocache - For Your Progeny

This would necessitate sunglasses if it wasn't for my antiquated companion. this spreading elm is a testament to the longevity of verdure.

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Chapter Five - Clans

The only piece that they decided to keep was a family heirloom, an antique china cabinet from malachai's mother's side of the family. once that was taken care of, the small stuff was fairly simple to narrow down.

The Lucky Ones Left - Chapter 5

Both of them keep their gaze fixed on me the entire time until eric has the antique slung over his shoulder. the ocelot retrieves the shotgun she threatened me with from behind the couch and does the same. "can i have the...uh..." "a gun?!"

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Chance Encounter

From uncovering cozy coffee shops nestled in the heart of furrnopolis to discovering rare antique stores tucked away in forgotten corners, they reveled in the magic of their city.

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The Helix Ion Part 1

The furniture in the room was basic yet homely, lots of polished, antique looking items of furniture with curved edges made of mahogany and redwood. she gazed upon him and was pitiful for a few brief moments before his head hinged upwards.

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Chapter 3- The begining of the path

"-stolen an antique sword that was made of the melted down blades of twin swordsman. the swords were originally used 200 years ago by judo silvermoon and kain bloodmoon.


Short Shorts #1 - The Kleptomaniac

My way home passes an old antique store, full of curios and bric-a-brac. things mom would definitely like. i should pop in and see if i can bag a 5-pawfinger-discount. the door swung open and a bell tinkled as i walked in.

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