Day 12

The second soldier, hendrickson by his name on his gear, asked us, "what's the tape for?"

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Surface: Doomed Planet-Excerpt 14-Martin's Harvest

There was a loud grinding noise as mike put the truck in gear. "let's get the fuck out of here!", mike said as the driver of the tank put it back into low gear. we went up hill in low gear, the others hanging onto the top of the truck for dear life.

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An Introduction to Busou Shinki

Absorbers -landing gear -extended legs -shin guards \*arm gear - including: -gauntlets or gloves -shoulder guards/pauldrons -elbow guards -forearm guards -impact plates -wrist guards -wrist mounted weaponry \*chest gear - consists


One Memorable Journey Pg.2

Alex said in a firm tone as they finished gearing up, a short snow leopard that was the last squad member chuckling at his squad-mate getting hushed. "you too robert."

The Gator and the Vixen

Crowds of people moving about some in pony gear, many not, others in partial gear to show their love for pony play. "you want me to go outside like this?" "is there a problem?" grunts the gator.

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Game on 2

We entered the first hanger, finding an assortment of gear laid out already. a lemur was busy looking over a gear bag off to the side. he looked over at us and he zipped it closed. "we leave soon, so don't hold up or i'll leave you behind."

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Spyro: the Untold Stories: Chapter one: the meeting

Spoke ignitus hurriedly paul just nodded and turned and ran towards the entrance of the cave, he quickly found his gear, which included a assault rifle and enough ammo for a lifetime, hand grenades and other military gear.

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Sonic.EX3: Chapter 4

Rick wasn't sure what i did with the game gear as i held a hand out to shush him. of course, the old man simply gave a quiet stare. "are you done playing that game there, kid?"

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Sonic.EX3: Chapter 3

But the worst happened when i heard that tell-tale echo of my game gear. still have that old game gear console?" rick asked when he heard it. "i figured it'd get lost like your other junk." "oh, trust me..."

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The war to remember chapter 4

I got shorty and went to the briefing room gear up.master sergeant was there with squad leaders, "okay my squad is going to the compound at o300 in a black hawk so get your night gear squad"."


To Murr With Love

I looked down at the rest of the gear on the floor "anything else?" i asked hopefully. "oh no," he replied with a big smile on his face.

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