Phantom Chronicles: Chapter 2
"well kinda dead cause your soul is a ghost...or spirit which ever way you prefer to use but your body is in a coma like state but is still alive. on how it happened...?
Shadow of the Ancestors - Chapter 3
Have you found anything with the results of belleza's ghost appearing?" "last she appeared was a month ago along the shores of lake pretca. she stayed there between three and four in the morning before simply fading away.
Shadow of the Ancestors - Chapter 2
"locals in the nogune area report seeing ghosts along the shores of lake pretca just outside the town.
Shadow of the Ancestors - Chapter 1
People have been seeing the ghost of belleza oncera more and more often over the past few years. come to think of it, they started around the same time you started seeing your therapist about these dreams."
A Haunting
Tomorrow was saturday; she'd go back to the manor and confront the ghost there. it was the only way she could guarantee the ghost would never come back.
Graphic Detail
Wendigo are technically a type of ghost, so he has no body of his own- and because magic and technology tend not to get along, all the lights go berserk when he uses his powers.
Day 20 - Possession
You had a ghost to kiss.
A Spirited Evening In
He ran a hand over the ghost girl's face, and whispered softly, "i'm not gonna last much longer." she let out a gasping laugh and tightened her grip on his hips. "i said i wanted everything, damien."
So...Life Sucks: Chapter 3
So...Life Sucks: Chapter 3 P.I. Another Story: "This is bad..." I whispered under my breath. My stereotypical hat was resting next to my large, brown overcoat. My badge as a P.I. laid in the jacket packet I was on second response....
The Haunted Bedroom of Grizelda Marr
Maybe once he got scared by the ghost or whatever in grizelda's bedroom, he would change his mind. kyle hoped he would. "here we are." ricky's voice seemed all too loud to kyle.
Berlor's New Collar (2020 NSFW)
#8 of 2020 nsfw he did ghost me after i finished it >:c i do all of my stories in google docs, for the sake of both simplicity and stylization.
Morgan's Pokémon Adventure
The ghost-types that followed him were all his friends, having bonded with them due to his morbid fascination with lavender town's ghost tower.