The earthquake started getting worse. As the gang ran as fast as they could, they were having trouble keeping themselves balanced. Some nearly fell over as the shakes grew stronger. They could hear a loud banging noise, and knew that the mountain was...
Water Meadows Smell So Sweet
_"the my spirit guise. you must turn the tie and i will explain all of my gift to you both.
===Becoming the new guardian===
When we swapped spirits, your memories were replicated for me to continue on in your place. all will be well."
He Who Would Be Master: 6
But then the little spirits flowed away, seemingly all taken on the same breeze. the cries were cheerful and raucous.
Mmmmm.... Soul....
Asks the spirit. "su-sure...."
Comforting Reflections
Comforting Reflections "Excuse me," murmured the young woman to the old terrier across counter, speaking softly so that he nearly had to lean across the glass to hear her. "How much for that mirror over there?" It had caught her eye as she browsed...
Lykos 3-12 - Object Lesson
Marco wasn't sure how loud music had to be before it hurt his ears on a spirit walk, but however loud it was, it couldn't have been good for those actually there in person.
Tik TIk's Tower 8
He's a spirit given physical form and an embodiment of lust that was provided humanoid shape. he was always alone, no matter the physical intimacy he had sought from many others.
Tik Tik's Tower 7
"tik tik like fighting spirit. now, give it all to tik tik, and no disappoint, okie dokie?"
Mystic Heart Odyssey - Chapter 15
"good," was all the spirit said. suddenly, the world started to go dark, and the spirit's flames started to spread and surround him.
Minerva and Tik Tik 1
Fuchsia waves ripple in the air as two spectral tentacles materialize, wrapping themselves around the portal's edge. with a soft, feminine grunt, the arms fly back; the tentacles tear back similarly.
The Summoner - Chapter 1
The great spirit had reached the lake, and i was alone in the beach. i stood up and spoke with a commanding voice "spirit, i beseech audience with you! show yourself to me!" the bellow rang once more, clattering in my ears.