A Holiday To Remember, Part 2
#2 of a holiday to remember as i stated in the previous chapter, the storyline ended ... as i stated in the previous chapter, the storyline ended up being too long (at least by my standards) to be contained inside a single post.
After Dark, Part 2, Chapter 1 - "Shall we?"
The two storylines will be joined together. the next chapter released will be another chapter of the interlude, and thereafter, both storylines will merge.
The Gift": A Primer on Spirits (Part 3)
Thank you for reading this in preparation for the various storylines of "the gift" and i hope you are looking forward to helping me create these as much as i am having you help me.
Chapter 9 - The Good Doctor
#10 of main storyline - children of gaia - the beginning... the light flowed through the large paned window that overlooked the elaborately decorated breakfast nook of the above ground mansion as lani finally made her way to the room in question. dr.
Chapter 5 - Downtime
#6 of main storyline - children of gaia - the beginning... after the team's dismissal, jace, the otter known as riptide, made his way back to his room.
Kinetic Pt.1
I re-did kinetic...and my god...i didnt do very well in the plot/storyline...at all but hey at least i tried prologue "after great disorder there was a solution, sectors.
I stumbled across an old notebook and got the inspiration to restart it. with a few tweaks to the storyline, i believe i have a good story in the making. i am posting the prologue now and hope to have the first chapter finished soon.
Aurora Sitka Chapter 1
Here's an additional storyline that you readers may help me with if you're so inclined. just submit ideas for what you would like to see happen next! i'll choose some and write more story based on them.
Zion: Light of the New Moon, Ch 4.0
The next set of event arcs are now votable again to contribute to the storyline for the various five groups.
Hunger - A Blaze of Glory Short
On a lighter note, it is purely non-canon (just a way for me to meticulously slaughter every character that i have created) and in no way affects the normal blaze of glory storyline. it's just for fun.
Warriors Dawning Prologue
. ^^'' this is the prologue of my warriors fanfiction; it's set before the main storyline, during the main characters' kithood. **prologue** twigkit's jaws parted wide, and he let out a huge yawn.
Halo -chapter 1
It's set halfway in halo's storyline. year 2550 the human-covenant war is raging; humanity is vastly outmatched by superior technology and an endless horde of aliens. the unsc fights the covenant, but it is a hopeless war.