The Law of the Pack, Part III

The female wolf who had come to collect him caught up with Jim. She moved along side of him, but kept her distance out of respect for his social position. "I haven't seen you around much before," Jim said, idly making conversation. "That's because...

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is it a dream or a nightmare?

 Blood covered the landscape thousands of warriors both dead and alive those who were not dead were badly wounded. No one said anything no one made a noise. Then suddenly a roar in the distance broke the silence. It was like sound from...

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The Dolly Project Chapter 1-5

The Dolly Project. Stranger's sick game. An epic story tells how a young girl falls in love with a young guy who sell his soul to keep her happy. 8 years pass before they see each other and shadow is not the same as he was. He saves the president and...

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A Fox Tail

Author: A Mouse Edited By: A Mouse A Fox Tail (M/solo, Fox, Short) "I said hello" Derrek Looked up into the eyes of a lovely teen vixen standing before him and almost immediately the insides of the ears of the vulpine turn as...

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Somebody's Hero (Chapter 2)

"Hey bud! How's your day been so far?" Skyler seemed awfully chipper for it to be such a depressing day. The ridiculously optimistic rainbow tail mocked Tyrus from the other side of the lunch table, sky blue fur contrasting with the darkness he wished...

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Day 1: Different start

Dear Diary, Today was a fine day. The school just started and the ceremony of welcome went great and I did meet some nice and friendly people even though I can't remember their names yet. I guess there's so much information to register when you meet...

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Hopeful Hearts~ Chapter Three

Everyone shuffled about the classroom, looking for a seat next to their friends that shared the class with them. Lon made his way to the back of the class, where he placed his bag down beside a desk and made himself comfortable being alone in the back,...

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Hopeful Hearts~ Chapter Two

Star rushed down the hallways of the school, weaving around different groups of kids as the lazily conversated and walked at their own leisure, looking for a restroom to stop by. As she did this, numerous amounts of people shouted out at her, welcoming...

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Neko Hoshi 6 days

I woke up looking around seeing Link fully dressed snoring loudly. I sighed a bit looking around so was it a dream? "Have a good day at work sweetie." Link's dad must be going to work. I sat up watching Link as I tucked my ears back in the beanie...

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On the Rooftop

In the midst of teenage years, we realize people fall into groups. And we firmly believe in the fact that these groups are all that matter, even into adulthood. I soon realized that I do not fit in to any of them because of what I am. Gay. Faggot....

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Chapter 1 - Let's start at the begining

She stood on the edge of the Denver Colorado, Boulder Campus, watching the tooing and fro-ing of people, a fairly even blend of furs and recoms alike, all the colours and species of the rainbow conversing, smoking, sitting under trees and reading from...

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Don't know me ch 6

Here's the next chapter of my series...enjoy... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -Juuiichii- "Why the hell are you making him go to school?" "Don't you mean why did I enroll him? Well, when...

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