All Work and No Play

Gary had always been a city person, even after spending all his summers on his grandparents' farm, playing with his sister and childhood friends in cornfields and old farm buildings.

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Turnabout is Wolf's Play

**Turnabout is Wolf's Play by: Berserkerb** "There we are, nice and secure," Berserker chimed as...

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Calumon’s Play Time

Guilmon practically lived in an indoor amusement park, considering he had so many contraptions to play with. they all fit in a room as big as a human mansion, each the size of a small house.

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Playing With His Joystick

playing with his joystick by: the great furdini beep! beep! beep! the clock's alarm roared. "uhhh! i'm coming!" said rick as he pulled the bed covers away from his body. still half asleep he trudged over to the clock.

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Playing with your food.

"you are gonna be eaten... how much i play with you before is uncertain though." he continued to claw your chest and stomach, sinking it deep enough to draw a good amount of blood.

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All Work and No Play

It wasn't a bad substitute for a human form, but he longed to walk and play with his brothers and give worship to the master like the rest.

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American Dragon Play

He was now not only sucking on jake's cock, but gently playing with his sac in his paw.

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Play Nice... Or Else...

Play Nice... Or Else... By: Rakuen Growlithe Disclaimer: I do not own pokemon or any related franchises. Volsar belongs Volsar. Grim belongs to MrGrim. The bible is not a literal account of creation and should only be read metaphorically. The...

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Let's play a Game

He's gonna play with us!" the arcanine said. the mightyena couldn't talk though with the tube in his mouth. "yea... lets start" the flareon said as it walked towards where the tube was coming from.

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A Couple of Playful Reds

A Couple of Playful Reds By Mnementh ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is a gift for my sister, Ria :) Tis a quick, playful story of an encounter between herself and a fictional dragon by the name of Vector. Hope you enjoy it, sis...

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Playing With Magic Ch1

#1 of playing with magic a little something to commemorate pokemon y. i'll keep writing a bit later. "flamethrower, now!" tom shouted. "c'mon, we almost got him!" he watched as vye raised her stick wand up at the opponents carnivine.

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