Through the Cracks - With Dreams, With Drugs, With Waking Nightmares
## The titles say: Part 2 - With Dreams, With Drugs, With Waking Nightmares A sturdily built ram in a flannel shirt stares down at his clasped hands. What he has to say starts playing, while the camera still lingers on the shot of his clenched...
What Went Wrong - Scene 2
But the taut feeling was amazing, echoing through thea's body like the constant groans of the scales were his very own.
Demons Behind Doors
It's like a mixture of silent hill and the town of echo. have fun reading! the strange and utterly paranormal history of goodbye, new mexico could fill a encyclopedia. at least, i considered it so.
Homework Cuddles
Another echo fanfic 2009 it was a spring afternoon, though in tj's room it felt more like winter, much as sydney loved. he saw snow exactly once in his life and fell in love, and hoped to one day move to the north with the love of his life.
Shadow Of Chernobyl-Chapter 5-Echo Headquarters
We followed firedrake through the desert for a couple of minutes before the faint crack of gunfire began to echo in the air.
Against All Odds: Part 5 - Echoes
Hope you enjoy :) * * * **part 5 - echoes** "on the evening of october 7th, at eight minutes past nine coastal time, war descended upon the continent of polcia."
First Love: Chapter 3: A New Echo
echo says with a smile. dave sighs happily and pulls out and lays beside echo and kisses her softly on the lips. "i love you so much echo." echo smiles and kisses him on the nose, "i love you too."
The Dawn will Come.
Chicago has seen better days. Especially with the massive Black Spiral Dancer invasion that has taken place over the previous three days. It was left to one singular Sept the garou had left in the city. Just on the edge of the city, a small warehouse...
Through the Cracks - There Will Be One Vacant Chair
I mean... it'd have to be better than echo, wouldn't it? better than any place that thing wants him to be." "i think i have to.
Through the Cracks - I Don't Exist But I Do Love
[bleep], please, tell me he's not stupid-horny enough to go crawling back to [bleep]ing echo for some shadow parasite [bleep] just cause it happens to look like [bleep]!"
Through the Cracks - And Lay Ghost Hands on Everything
"people couldn't leave echo because, for that night, and only for them, the world outside echo didn't exist." "or so the theory goes," devon adds. "right." says cameron. "that's all easy to say," the fox looks disapproving.
Through the Cracks - Yesterday, Upon the Stair
Or maybe that means that like everything else, tulpas just work different in echo in whatever way'll make things worse for everyone."