poem - Brer Fox and Sister Cotton-Tail

What gentleman would fail reply/ to such praiseful words? cotton-tail narrowed her eyes,/ his mood to read again, but could not parse the meaning/ on the dummy's painted grin. the rabbit huffed, and then stood up./ "i see you have no class!

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The Dragon's Bard - Chapter 3

"what can i do for you, gentleman?" "sir, i need to learn how to sing and play music in seven days." now his eyes definitely expressed shock. "excuse me?" "i'm serious!" ildarg didn't even care that the whole inn was looking at him.


Prisoner of the Yellow Sign – Part 2

An asian woman with short hair glared at him, the sound interrupting her discussion in aramaic with a cadaverous elderly gentleman. people tutted and elbowed six as he stumbled to a halt, a rock amongst the flowing tide of bodies.

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A lovely Nightmare

As a captain, he was supposed to be a gentleman, and a gentleman would stay and care for a woman. simon paced thinking out loud "she's not really a woman, she's a monster, get out of here whilst you can!"

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The Gray Ranger: Unforgiven, Chapter Twelve

"i'm glad _someone_ knows how to be a proper gentleman!" "oh, i'm no gentleman, miss adlis. i just--" "hey, i've got a better idea, sackhead," kulgan interrupted him. "how about you just give her your coat?"

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Unprofessional Behavior

"aside from one gentleman who is a bit... difficult, my day went well." marcy slicked save, closed the office door and switched to her more comfortable arm chair.

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Chapter 1: Welcome to the Rangers

As the vehicles came to a stop tyler looked toward the aircraft before stating for all to hear "gentleman meet your insertion vehicle." he stated as he disembarked the jeep quickly followed by the eight men.

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Demons Inside

Hey, a gentleman doesn't kiss and tell, but i'm no gentleman. so i lean back and really enjoy it. she clamps down, it's fucking awesome, she's tight, moist, and her tongue is ripping down. and then i hear her sob, like she's choking.

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Bound to Please : Part 3

Siaru heard the door open, and the sound of the poor gentleman being pushed out as he hastily said a goodbye. bang! he writhed in vain at the sound of the damn door.

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A Bump in the Road. Chapter Twenty-Three.

And then she nearly swatted my face motioning us to leave as i tried to kiss the top of it all gentleman like. "go, go. you are just in the way of the other customers now." she shooed like someone hundreds of years younger.

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Edge Walking. Chap 11: Avec Moi

The "cha-ching" gentleman's club and cocktail lounge is not a real business establishment in our world, nor is it meant to hint at any particular place or company of business in reality.

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6. Will You Be My Second?

A true gentleman's drink. "and if he's not, maybe you can snap 'im up, darlin'." he'd watched a couple of westerns recently, and he tried with very limited success to mimic the accent of some generic outlaw.

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