Toeing the Line, Draft 1, CH 38
"this is for kidnapping my family, you son of a bitch." he spat blood and a tooth. before he did anything i sensed for the nothingness my mind interpreted as his ability.
Virtual Friendship, Draft 1 CH 15
He'd gotten over a second kidnapping when they'd identified themselves as orr security. he'd been rather proud that he'd thought to demand proof, which they'd provided.
Clopper's Journey -- Chapter 1
And it wasn't just the length that strained the kidnapped youth but the girth as well.
Prologue of Jailbreak Apocalypse
The year is now 4023, ten years after the kidnappings stopped so this idiotic group could keep us under control.
GoD-Ep13-The Tragedy-
It was also noticed that people who are rescued don't really retain the memories of being kidnapped or thrown into the dream world.
The Mysterious Dragonman - Chapter I
We have been kidnapped." the three other dragons nodded in agreement. they had been kidnapped, and they had no clue what would happen next.
Full Circle - Part 6
Currently you are facing kidnapping, assault, trespassing on a crime scene, and assault on an officer." it's a long list, but andy knows it's what he did. "you are probably looking at a couple of years.
From the Desk of Ms. Bellington 5: Bodyguard
That is when the group came over to his apartment and kidnapped him right off the front door.
KBM - Intro
She was framed and all the people ruby listed are counted as kidnapped and presumed dead. the police have krystal in custody." the colour again leached from mitch's fur as is angered grew into spite.
I love my kidnapper
He had been kidnapped at 13 and now he was 16 years old. he was 2 years away from becoming a man and thoroughly exited. what made today more special than any other day was the fact that today was his birthday.
Embertooth - Chaper 9: Breath
He just wanted to kill zèon and koi... and i had to promise him i would lie and tell everyone that kane had kidnapped me so he would let them stay at the castle.' 'well...
Prince G nation: Chapter 5; Rescue
Matthew was also disappointed that his father was not doing more to find his oldest son but he knew if it got out the prince was kidnapped then all hell would break lose.