Part Five
**end part five** **# # #**
Part 6
A soft ping and a buzz alerted him of a new text message, his phone was usually pretty docile, partly due to his poor choice in cellular networks. he checked it, it was from atlas. "how's the job?"
Part 5
He rolled his shoulders and descended into the last unexplored part of the building: the basement. as he rounded the corner, the dim glow of fluorescents reached his eyes. the bottom of the stairs opened up to reveal a small room.
Part 4
The two parted after he gave austin a slip of paper with an address on it. austin woke up the next day with a handful of texts and a raging headache.
Part 3
Austin turned his back on his friend's jeep. Now wasn't the time for heartfelt goodbyes or last minute good-lucks. He stepped over the smashed gate of the impound lot and walked over to his car a few rows back. A DMC-12 responded with the button on his...
Part 2
#2 of folder second part of a much longer (hopefully more interesting) price-of-crap-prose. comment and let me know how i'm doing. silent readers are a killer. atlas opened the door of the dingy motel with the intent to slip way quietly.
part 1
Became immortal then went through other video games you just woke up on this planet called earth you just left black ops twee (pun intended) you wake up in a dumpster "what the blood 'ell" you silently mumbled you still have your cyborgnetics and cyborg parts
Part 26
#26 of scout's honor getting back into the swing of things for those of you who are still waiting for more 'part's to come out.
Part 25
Some of the tables are hidden by pillars, so i don't exactly see the big wolf and tiger sitting in a secluded part of the room.
The 'Yiff' Part
#7 of work in progress yiff part you and jem walk to a house and lay down naked. jem slowly starts to suck your hard cock making you moan a bit in pleasure "mrphhh" you moan a bit jem slowly shoves your dick into her.
Part 27
**part 27** ** ** "he okay?" was the first thing carson asked when i got into the car. i got plopped into the seat next to him and looked out the window. "he's fine." i could see his ears laying back in the reflection. "are _you_ okay?" "yeah.
Interchangeable Parts
"but speaking of smells, here's the part you're not gonna like. hint-- it's not the dildo going up your ass."