After that, they are reborn into cloned bodies that are based on their dna with a few modifications. type twos are kept in their original state till they reach old age.
A New Life in a New Body: The Interrogation
Your genes basically make you reborn you will live for over a hundred more years," he said frustrated. "is this the reason why you kill us," i asked. "part of it, the other part is..." he never finished.
Archethal Species Datasheet
Archethal, translated from their natural tongue, means 'reborn by fire'; and their planet is named nu'riché, or 'bloodied soil'.
Torpical Paradise Or Not: New Beginnings and New Findings
Author: if you want to find out, keep watching this newly born series, freshly brewed for the delight and enchantment of all those reading it here on sofurry.com (reborn from ys with a fresh new taste of mint... mmmm lemony fresh!).
Bayn And Toff VS the Malice of Magic: Prolog: The Fated Two
#1 of bayn and toff vs the malice of magic a story series taking placed after the cleaved episode of svtfoe featuring a reborn toffee and my character bayn.https://www.furaffinity.net/view/31762642/ toffhttps://www.furaffinity.net/view/18097646/ bayn, looks
Spoken Word: You Will Never
But starting this day i am reborn a new person.
Beneath a Moon Kissed Sea - Intro / Teaser -
It knew, instinctively, the bright painful ball that rose to its right, would come in its own time, just as the beloved moon, so far above, would wilt and die, only to grow and be reborn in its own time.
The Adventures of Jacob Snow: Codex
When thrust into the world of the living they have the tendency to be self-destructive and end up being reborn in hell rather quickly.
Duel of Destiny - Special Edition: Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon vs Scar-Red Nova Dragon
"i activate [monster reborn] to bring back 1 monster in my graveyard, and i choose...my [blue-eyes ultimate dragon], in attack position!". the holograme of [monster reborn] popped up, and a pillar of light appeared, from which ultimate dragon came out.
Pandora's Templar - Chapter 24
Mere seconds later, a newly reborn ieesha leaped to her feet, then raced from her temporary lair-cavern and leaped into the sky.
Part 5: Revelations and new friends
But, i shall be reborn! i shall have this land to myself! all dragons will hear my words and tremble before me. wait for me, my love. i shall return one day soon.
The Story of I-Am, the creation story of the Thirteen Children of Power
So it was that they died and were reborn as eaters of life, ninth children of i-am, ninth children of power. weary of the living world and saddened by the creation of the ninth children, i-am retreated into the world of dreams.