Lonely Oak Chapter 30

The bell rang. Ket started in his seat, shockwaves of panic flowing across his body, made literal by the splaying of his fur. It was not the actual bell like he had first thought; it was the timer-bell that Ms. Hupp used to time their tests and...

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Falling Snow ~Page 2~

_I'm going to try and upload at least every week or two, here's the next page hope you enjoy, and please comment telling me how it is so i can improve on it and fix any spelling errors i might have made._ "Are you okay?!" Holly asked running over to...

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Just another High School Story (1)

Just another High School story. Scene 1 By Roofles It was just after a three hour practice, the coach keeping them late for their "sloppy" performance, that the tired dalmatian made his way into the locker room. Nearly every fiber of his body...

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Loganberry Hits a Hrair

Loganberry sighed and ran his paws through the tuft of fur between his long ears. He was tackling a particularly thorny passage of Old Lapine this morning, and even the plate of chocolate digestives at his elbow wasn't helping. The thought that he...

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A Wolf Mate

A peom I did for my book (Soul Shattered), please let me know that you think! My Mate I love dearly so, In my heart, His love I care, It's the wolf its self I cherish dearly, Not even life or death can keep us apart, He is forever mine, An Alpha he...

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A Night for Them

**Just a short bit of fun. Enjoy. :)** **Sky.** **~\<+\>~** **Chapter One** **A Night for Them** Romance or Passion? They had been busy, so busy. Hina had been running, back and forth, back and forth. They've been so busy that she was starting to...

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E.U.R.O Chapter 6

A short beep occurred and then a green light flashed above the door, it parted in two and slid open, the door vanishing into the walls. The eight assembled in the parlour dropping bags in the open planned hallway as they passed through. Sure enough...

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losing hope ch.4

The next,day Alex and I walk into school and all of the furs just... stared. I think it's how my cousins 'Wendell and Todd's ''friends,'' felt when they were out for the first time (if your wondering there my 3rd or 4th cousins twice removed I...


losing hope ch.5

Alex's p.o.v My alarm clock rings on my nightstand telling me to get my lazy ass out of bed so, I swing my arm over and push the snooze button I then take a quick peek at my phone. ''Oh shit I'm late!,'' I yell, I get up get dressed, run down...

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Chapter 13: Vowels of Silence.

Chapter 13 Vowels of silence An arrhythmic tapping on the wood of my crib brought me out of the void of unconsciousness. I opened my eyes to a world turned slightly pink from the light diffusing through my blanket , feeling my tail wag the cloth...

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Ch17. Lesson Eleven. The Older Stud.

Soon though things were changing. I was being driven back to the O'Brien residence with Aden's dad and Aden. Aden's dad, Lucas, kept going on about law and order and the importance thereof. He droned on. I got tired. By the time we pulled into the...

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Ch.15 Lesson Nine. Building Confidence: The Timid Colt

Dex gave me a pained look before he headed off to track. I had a little more time than him. I jogged back to the practice field behind the main field. There was a large crate of footballs. I sighted at the practice target that was set up some 30 yards...

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