The Plan?
That was the camp, morning activity, then lunch, then the day off until the sun was beginning to set, then another activity followed by lights out.
Asch'an (Part Two)
//warning: insufficient power for sublight engine activation.\ //warning: insufficient power for nav-shield activation\ //warning: shield coverage insufficient for sublight engine activation\ //warning: shield coverage insufficient for rys'vet activation
Measures And Balances
activating the program he watched was his body shrank. removing just ten percent of his own mass dropped his height a couple inches. with a smile he activated patomes again and watched as he grew.
Homecoming (A2B3C6)
Eric was activated. eric won't be a danger to anyone unless he tries to directly attack falcon. then falcon will activate him." "is there a way to break this?" "i don't know yet, mister foster. i'd like to think so.
Star Fox: Tiberium Wars (Chapter Three: Infection)
He quickly activated the charge and dove off the tank. just as he landed on the ground, the demo charge blew.
Sacrifice of the Celesteon Ch. 1
One of the celesteon, who wore transparent armor on her shoulders shouted at the celestia who had activated the portal. "can you not see i'm trying?"
[Public Release Document] Micklen Trygonic logs: incident #32986 (Work in progress)
End of txt.file/my\_message data file data detected in file "txt.32986": new asteroid detected, ted-32986 potentially able to collide with planet, more data required for prediction, blackbox activated!
Yugioh NG Ep.1
Now the other effect of my microcell is activated, if he's destroyed in battle i get to draw one more card. if you're all done hurting yourself i'd like to make a move."
Fitting In
"hello kids, today our activity is swimming, each group usually goes for a different activity each day." said zach as kenny, emily, and dexter were all new. "umm denis... not to be mean but are you actually trying to get raped in that?"
Identity Revealed (Chapter 8 of my YuGiOh series)
The fox drew his card and was surprised as flame activated his trap, jar of greed, allowing him to get one card into his paw.
Once Broken Draft 1 CH 49
He made sure the skin repair equipment was stored in the cabinet before activating its cryo field.
Round Four part 1: Crystal Beast VS Dragons
We activated our duel disk, drew five cards and life point counters set.