The Plan?

That was the camp, morning activity, then lunch, then the day off until the sun was beginning to set, then another activity followed by lights out.

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Asch'an (Part Two)

//warning: insufficient power for sublight engine activation.\ //warning: insufficient power for nav-shield activation\ //warning: shield coverage insufficient for sublight engine activation\ //warning: shield coverage insufficient for rys'vet activation

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Measures And Balances

activating the program he watched was his body shrank. removing just ten percent of his own mass dropped his height a couple inches. with a smile he activated patomes again and watched as he grew.

Homecoming (A2B3C6)

Eric was activated. eric won't be a danger to anyone unless he tries to directly attack falcon. then falcon will activate him." "is there a way to break this?" "i don't know yet, mister foster. i'd like to think so.

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Star Fox: Tiberium Wars (Chapter Three: Infection)

He quickly activated the charge and dove off the tank. just as he landed on the ground, the demo charge blew.

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Sacrifice of the Celesteon Ch. 1

One of the celesteon, who wore transparent armor on her shoulders shouted at the celestia who had activated the portal. "can you not see i'm trying?"

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[Public Release Document] Micklen Trygonic logs: incident #32986 (Work in progress)

End of txt.file/my\_message data file data detected in file "txt.32986": new asteroid detected, ted-32986 potentially able to collide with planet, more data required for prediction, blackbox activated!

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Yugioh NG Ep.1

Now the other effect of my microcell is activated, if he's destroyed in battle i get to draw one more card. if you're all done hurting yourself i'd like to make a move."

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Fitting In

"hello kids, today our activity is swimming, each group usually goes for a different activity each day." said zach as kenny, emily, and dexter were all new. "umm denis... not to be mean but are you actually trying to get raped in that?"

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Identity Revealed (Chapter 8 of my YuGiOh series)

The fox drew his card and was surprised as flame activated his trap, jar of greed, allowing him to get one card into his paw.

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Once Broken Draft 1 CH 49

He made sure the skin repair equipment was stored in the cabinet before activating its cryo field.

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Round Four part 1: Crystal Beast VS Dragons

We activated our duel disk, drew five cards and life point counters set.

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