Widdershins - Chapter One
As the marketplace filled up, the clamour of the crowd would all but drown the music out. the food stalls were already up and running, the air filled with all manner of street-food smells. meats, sweets, coffee, alcohol, even breads.
Valencia A
One more hot kiss did i steal from his lips and a firm squeeze on his rump before i fled for the marketplace - the early ones get good spots. the tardy get what is left.. or wait for another day. i am not so rich i can skip a days barter..
Zion: Light of the New Moon Part 2, Ch 2.3 Myre
The two shepherds sprinted down the street passing three more rows of stalls before reaching the center of the marketplace, and where lady marion was seated on the ground, cradeling a metal container the size of a grain barrel in her lap.
Nathanriel's Fate- Chapter 7
It's almost like an entire marketplace all in one building." "here," kresta states, throwing his shirt back at him, paying him no mind otherwise. "thanks," he comments, putting his shirt back on.
~Magistasia~ [Ch. 3 - Magical Maladies]
He scanned each and every paper he could, wanting to see what stores the village had to offer that weren't a part of the marketplace as well as see what things the townsfolk needed done for coin.
Aspiring Authors Toll Road to Publication
"but, that's a double-edged sword because there's also a lot of junk in the marketplace."" decision there is no right or wrong in publication as it's a matter of perspective.
10- Dragon's Claw
Kara pawed at the ground before giving them a tour of the city, showing them where her mother raised her, the marketplace, and the school. dragons and moles were already here, certainly the construction crew that rebuilt the area.
Freelancers, Chapter 21
Dakka laughed as they made their way through the marketplace. "she mentioned some newcomer named diana allers being her main competition." "never heard of her."
#3 of transmission lost: prayers of the refugee while aria deals with the perils of her impending trial, jack is taken from the ailian ship and transported to a marketplace near the ailian capital of hayikwiir.
Tales from the Cat House - Bad Things Come in Threes
Cyrena had leaned on the local guard to forbid him from setting foot back in the marketplace, under pain of imprisonment. he sighed, now, pushing back up from the bench.
Windrider, Dawn over Heliopolis
Only when he stepped out of the side street and into the marketplace did he relax. he was just starting to step into the bustling square when a heavy hand landed on his shoulder.
Belial: Diary of Transformation
I will be taking the morning off from class to purchase new clothes in the marketplace. i truly hope i can find something that will fit, and that will help to hide my condition. oh... i... i'm leaking now, diary.