Legacy Final Epilogue
The arctic fox remained staring at the arctic fox a yawn started to creep up on him. after opening his muzzle wide and letting out a morning yawn, the arctic fox pushed himself to get up as well.
The Great Rubber Drone
"mister denzel," the arctic fox greeted the orca, although he did not offer his paw to shake. "doctor sanmer," the killer whale replied with a bow of greeting, "i hope you are well." "more than well!" the arctic fox smiled. "i was expecting you."
Frostpaw - Chapter 8: Failure
That reminded the arctic fox of the reason why he had initially gone to the playroom.
Fireside Seduction
The arctic fox walked over to her suitcase and leaned over to shuffle through the clothes.
Perfect Weather for Ducks
Unsurprisingly the arctic fox didn't last very long.
A contingent of arctic foxes was staying on the second moon as an 'ambassadorial delegation' and such, to coordinate relations between the new arctic fox government and the snow rabbit high command.
Male Bonding II
The young arctic fox was asleep by his side, tucked with a protective arm. tim had spent the night with pal many times, especially when the arctic fox's parents were in a dangerous episode of yelling, and sharing the bed was commonplace.
Lovin' a Vixen (A Canon Moonlace Story) Bonus 1
After all the arctic fox was straight and only into dating one guy at a time.
The Hybrid and Vixen 2
When that time came, the arctic fox rinsed it off the fosky. but her paws didn't stop. even after it was all gone, they continued to move.
Embertooth - Chapter 12: Family
However, the arctic fox was nowhere to be seen.
Galactic Conflict - Chapter Nineteen
The arctic fox threw a punch for euno's cheek, but the amphibian blocked it with one of his webbed claws.
Here There Be Mouses
The arctic fox claimed she stumbled across a mysterious figure." they had buried the arctic fox outside of the cave. there had been no ceremony. just a burial. a nod. "kalmbach. is what she said."