Torpedo Run Chapter 13
They were flying in a dispersed double chevron formation despite the asteroid field, using point defense systems to swat drifting space boulders aside. her enemy's plan was becoming clearer now.
An Endless Voyage: ch:9 The Unexpected
Once everyone had made a run through the asteroid field, maya contacted excalibur, and ordered a combination of xian, civilian, and ''friendly'' iff projected into the asteroid field, marking a bunch of the asteroids as had previously been agreed."
Autopilot (Otherwise Untitled)
#114 of short stories a banged-up space fighter strives to survive in an asteroid field.
Ferret in Space (Ferret and Badger part 1) (Otherwise Untitled)
All ship systems were down cold, as the patrol made its round near the asteroid field in which the smuggler had taken cover; the profit her cargo held was well worth the risk of this monitored route.
A Stellar Affair Chapter Four: Preparations
Could i have left the other ship adrift in the asteroid field like they wanted? could i have done anything different to retrieve it that would have prevented this? the car arrived and i climbed aboard riding it down to the bottom.
Veniferium (Incomplete)
This alteration to the original design had sparked forth a tool for mining out lifeless worlds and asteroid fields as well as opening a new realm of technological advancement.
Truth or Dare 10: Heart of Darkness
Already he saw that the asteroid field had become a distant blurred line on the main screen. "letts see how far we need to go to get past this fucking thing!"
Times of Peace
While the children joined their parents for lunch troubled brewed elsewhere in the galaxy as a small strange pod flew away from an aparoid hive hidden deep within the asteroid field and inside a young girl looked back at the nest feeling relieved.
7 Year Journey
On the screen appeared a yellow star orbited by four planets, a double asteroid field, three more planets and then a second sun! "very unusual. dual-sun systems usually have suns that are close together and are roughly of the same size."
The Tales of Pharaoh Anubis: Chapter 1: Landing
They flew past a gas giant planet with a weird red spot then suddenly arrived in an asteroid field. "here we go..." suddenly his ship's communication radio was hacked. "attention fao rogan!" called the policeman.
The Change: Chapter 1
Almost like a rain fall, except in space that only means either an asteroid field or a debris field. the stewardess apologized and went to the cockpit of the shuttle.
The Ship's Eyes
After perhaps five minutes of breakneck flight however, the vesper emerged from the far side of the asteroid field without so much as a scratch.