Brothers In Arms - Behind Blue Eyes

"fireteam 2 of charlie squad recieved an emergency broadcast on a secure channel from bravo squad.

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Sola in the City

. \*\*\* james flicked the channels on his bargain tv set, but there was no news report on a chemical gas spill, no warning from the mayor to evacuate the city, no emergency broadcast.

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Flexible Infection - Reunion

Why are they doing the emergency broadcast," chris looked towards mike to see that the two had collapsed to the ground, stripping clothes off each other as quickly as they could manage. "... never mind."

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Quirk of Fate: School Mess

\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* sometime a bit later in the day, an emergency broadcast over radio and television-warned parents and officials to stay away from the school until the following day: "...its ventilation systems seem to have been spiked with

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Astral High - Chapter 46

Within minutes it'll be international news, emergencies broadcast over every station, every man, woman, and child in america will know about it, and from there it'll be a downward slope to the destruction of man." "...

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Raiyev Part 3

The cnn headline at the bottom read "emergency broadcast from the white house," and the entire world seemed to stop to hear what the president had to say.


Cold Days - Chapter 3

I did just as she said and tuned it immediately to the emergency broadcast channel. the tv would work until electricity was cut off, then you'd have to crank the built in generator for it to work. i also checked my phone in the process.

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When Everything ends

This is an emergency broadcast. there has been an attack on our soil. we are at war.

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Breakout The Fun

What he saw on it made him smile as he realized he had flipped to some kind of emergency broadcast.

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Dew-induced Lycanthropy - Werewolf TF

He gasped, grabbing his phone as he looked at the screen - it was an alert being sent through the emergency broadcast system, and that was something that he rarely ever got. "oh great, trump's probably gone and botched something up royally, hasn't he?"

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Second Sight: Chapter Fourteen: Burning City

"there's been an emergency broadcast over every city; nulline, tyr, everywhere!" we all listened in as the radio began to start up. the radio was turned up to the highest volume so everyone could hear it clearly. "earlier today."

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End of Time - Session 2

Occasionally, the emergency broadcast tone would crackle through the speakers but the distortion was too bad to make out the automated voice that followed it.

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